Immigration Lawyer recommendations


Jul 29, 2024
I am trying to apply for a Rentista Visa. I have contacted 2 law firms recommended - Celano & Associates and Immi.Legal - but they never responded. I was using Cecilia Sierra but she wasn’t very helpful at all and wasn’t prepared to take on a difficult application that required her to work for her $US 2,000. I’m retired so my financial evidence doesn’t fit their narrow parameters. Any recommendations?
I am trying to apply for a Rentista Visa. I have contacted 2 law firms recommended - Celano & Associates and Immi.Legal - but they never responded. I was using Cecilia Sierra but she wasn’t very helpful at all and wasn’t prepared to take on a difficult application that required her to work for her $US 2,000. I’m retired so my financial evidence doesn’t fit their narrow parameters. Any recommendations?
What’s your income source? If it’s straightforward you can do it yourself easily via the radex website
What’s your income source? If it’s straightforward you can do it yourself easily via the radex website
It’s dividends from a share portfolio and obviously I draw down on the shares as I need them as well. They want a regular amount coming in every monthly but the dividends come quarterly, which where they have a problem. I have now got a years worth of statements, with the bank stamp and an affidavit confirming I own the shares and the annual income which exceeds their threshold - all Apostillised. I started the process, back in May, but had to go away and get this information and I’m going to try again but thought a lawyer might help me argue my case - it seems the ones I’ve contacted can’t be bothered to take it on.
It’s dividends from a share portfolio and obviously I draw down on the shares as I need them as well. They want a regular amount coming in every monthly but the dividends come quarterly, which where they have a problem. I have now got a years worth of statements, with the bank stamp and an affidavit confirming I own the shares and the annual income which exceeds their threshold - all Apostillised. I started the process, back in May, but had to go away and get this information and I’m going to try again but thought a lawyer might help me argue my case - it seems the ones I’ve contacted can’t be bothered to take it on.
Do you collect social security/a pension? That may be easier. They want to see 5x minimum wage transferred each month, not sure quarterly deposits will cut it
Do you collect social security/a pension? That may be easier. They want to see 5x minimum wage transferred each month, not sure quarterly deposits will cut it
Don’t collect state pension yet and UK pension isn’t sufficient anyway.
My two cents is, for the time being, don't waste your time and money with an immigration lawyer. I used Celano ($1,500 USD) for my first residency visa many years ago and everything went well. Afterwards, I did the trámite myself and although difficult, it eventually got done.

Currently, something seems to be systematically dysfunctional with Migraciónes. After a year of stasis, I decided to use two (useless) gestores and I made a few inquiries to equally useless 'immigration' attorneys. Despite cost not being important, nobody made any effort. It was as if they knew that working with Migraciónes is futile. So, with no criminal record and two sources of federal income my Radex status has been all green check marks and "in the process of Supervision" for well over a year. All they do is renew the precaria. I'm on my 9th.

I made the first bank deposit as required, but not having received the visa / DNI as a result of doing so, I won't make any further deposits unless told to do so. I'll just stay here as Dr. C. Rubilar suggests and simply pay an overstay fee if and when I decide to leave.

Just play the long game with them via Radex as others suggest. Because Migraciónes at this point is beyond dysfunctional and the U.S. Embassy told me as much three weeks ago. They said that many Americans are complaining.

Migraciónes is populated with Kirchneristas who have no love for Milei and after his staff cuts, I speculate that the remaining noquis / employees are doing even less work than before; dragging their feet. It's how petty and small they are.

Good luck and be patient.
My two cents is, for the time being, don't waste your time and money with an immigration lawyer. I used Celano ($1,500 USD) for my first residency visa many years ago and everything went well. Afterwards, I did the trámite myself and although difficult, it eventually got done.

Currently, something seems to be systematically dysfunctional with Migraciónes. After a year of stasis, I decided to use two (useless) gestores and I made a few inquiries to equally useless 'immigration' attorneys. Despite cost not being important, nobody made any effort. It was as if they knew that working with Migraciónes is futile. So, with no criminal record and two sources of federal income my Radex status has been all green check marks and "in the process of Supervision" for well over a year. All they do is renew the precaria. I'm on my 9th.

I made the first bank deposit as required, but not having received the visa / DNI as a result of doing so, I won't make any further deposits unless told to do so. I'll just stay here as Dr. C. Rubilar suggests and simply pay an overstay fee if and when I decide to leave.

Just play the long game with them via Radex as others suggest. Because Migraciónes at this point is beyond dysfunctional and the U.S. Embassy told me as much three weeks ago. They said that many Americans are complaining.

Migraciónes is populated with Kirchneristas who have no love for Milei and after his staff cuts, I speculate that the remaining noquis / employees are doing even less work than before; dragging their feet. It's how petty and small they are.

Good luck and be patient.
If you're on the 9th precaria you're already well over two years right? You could apply for citizenship now that you have your two years
If you're on the 9th precaria you're already well over two years right? You could apply for citizenship now that you have your two years
Exactly. That is the plan. And, my understanding is that once an application for citizenship is tendered, the applicant cannot be deported by Migraciónes for administrative reasons.
Finally heard from one lawyer and his advice - get married 😅. We have had some progress working it out on our own and have got them to accept my income but they want me open a bank account which means I have to now deal with AFIP to get a Clave de indentifcacion. Bounced between 2 offices so far but appear to be making progress. Patience is most definitely a virtue 😂