Immigration Lawyer recommendations

Banco Galicia, 1349 José María Campos.

I was turned down by many banks for not having a valid DNI, including the Galicia central office. This branch just wanted to see a passport and cash. The banker is named Nicolás. He told me that many Russians and Ukrainians open accounts there. It's all good now.
Banco Galicia, 1349 José María Campos.

I was turned down by many banks for not having a valid DNI, including the Galicia central office. This branch just wanted to see a passport and cash. The banker is named Nicolás. He told me that many Russians and Ukrainians open accounts there. It's all good now.
Please update us on if you can actually get the account working however. I too have a Galicia account, and 7 weeks later my online banking is still not working. Their systems are just not setup for someone without a DNI
Works like a champ. I deposit pesos in the ATM as needed and use my Galicia debit card to pay as needed. I also transfer money from my Galicia account, via the app, to businesses as needed. For physical dollars or pesos, I use a financero.

My advice is: see Nicolás at the 1349 José María Campos sucursal. He's a bit high strung but will get things done.
Banco Galicia, 1349 José María Campos.

I was turned down by many banks for not having a valid DNI, including the Galicia central office. This branch just wanted to see a passport and cash. The banker is named Nicolás. He told me that many Russians and Ukrainians open accounts there. It's all good now.
Can I ask if you were able to open a savings pesos and USD, or only a pesos-based savings account? Thank you so much, this is very helpful.
Can I ask if you were able to open a savings pesos and USD, or only a pesos-based savings account? Thank you so much, this is very helpful.
It is only in pesos; although I didn't ask about a dollar based account.
Can I ask if you were able to open a savings pesos and USD, or only a pesos-based savings account? Thank you so much, this is very helpful.
I have a peso and USD account open with passport only. My bank offers USD/Peso conversion in online banking. But there's no free lunch. The so called official rate at which you're allowed to buy pesos has around 70% in taxes added, and ends up being 1600 pesos per USD vs 1400 you can get on the black market. I'm not sure if you'd be able to transfer USD in from abroad and withdraw cash USD or any other kind of advantageous operation that allows cash USD withdrawals. Perhaps others have some experience with that
