In Argentina, only 24% have a bachelor's degree or higher

For comparison, in Canada - 63%, Russia - 60%, USA - 35%, Chile -31%, Brazil - 17.5%.
63% in Canada refers to ANY post secondary, such as two year community college program certificates, etc., and those are many.
And a big chunk of those bachelor degrees belongs to the first generation immigrants from India, China & Eastern Europe.
Israel - 88%.
Education and intelligence are two disparate matters; not necessarily correlated in the least. I find the majority of porteños to be clever and resourceful folks; which they must be to survive their politicians' incompetence and corruption. Of course, it's hard to find time to matriculate when you're working two jobs to stay afloat.
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Education and intelligence are two disparate matters; not necessarily correlated in the least. I find the majority of porteños to be clever and resourceful folks; which they must be to survive their politicians' incompetence and corruption. Of course, it's hard to find time to matriculate when you're working two jobs to stay afloat.
I think this is an important thing to keep in mind, and likely the main reason I personally never finished my BA.

I'm lucky to have a good job in tech now, but my skills for my job are all self taught; nothing came from High School or University education.

Also like you said, I've met a lot of dumb people who went to college and even more bright people who didn't, and when I have interviewed and hired people both past and present I don't even consider whether they went to university or even finished high school as I think many of us know people who didn't that could do any job as long as you train them well.

I think universal access to post-secondary education is great, but 1) it's not the end all and be all, and 2) you need to have the prerequisites to be successful at it such as a good high school education, a stable personal life, and most importantly, a stable source of income; university may be universal here but students still have to rent, pay for food, have leisure time, etc. and if people are only making 60K ARS/month working 40 hours imagine how poorly paid part time work is.
I think this is an important thing to keep in mind, and likely the main reason I personally never finished my BA.

I'm lucky to have a good job in tech now, but my skills for my job are all self taught; nothing came from High School or University education.

Also like you said, I've met a lot of dumb people who went to college and even more bright people who didn't, and when I have interviewed and hired people both past and present I don't even consider whether they went to university or even finished high school as I think many of us know people who didn't that could do any job as long as you train them well.

I think universal access to post-secondary education is great, but 1) it's not the end all and be all, and 2) you need to have the prerequisites to be successful at it such as a good high school education, a stable personal life, and most importantly, a stable source of income; university may be universal here but students still have to rent, pay for food, have leisure time, etc. and if people are only making 60K ARS/month working 40 hours imagine how poorly paid part time work is.
Agreed. With the proof being all the 'educated' incompetents running the U.S. government into the ground who hold Ivy League degrees in Political 'Science'; Theoretical Gender Studies; Non-Binary Library Management; North African Music History..... and other such non-rigorous tripe. Unless you pursue a STEM degree, or truly have an interest in the subject matter, why waste time and money other than to work for government? Some of the brightest people with whom I've had the pleasure of working were high-school-graduate-only staff NCOs. When friends whine about the debt their kids incurred to get a B.A. in Ethnic Tongan Civilization from, say, Brown University, I can only try to assuage them by saying "Well, there's always the State Department." Glad that you are doing well.