Inflation In L.a.

Another type of inflation people need to be aware of is the insidious "Shadow Inflation". I took this picture recently at McDonald's to document how they are decreasing the size of their burgers while the price remains the same. That is called "Shadow Inflation".

OK is it just a coincidence that the same policies are being implemented now in Europe with the same effects?

Then reduce state's participation in the labor market, complete overhaul of the current tax code which is simultaneously stifling, regressive and ineffective, and overhaul social welfare completely.

Im sorry, but Europe is not implementing these policies. They still have over Government regulation and involvement in the business of doing business. They still have stifling and regressive taxation to prop up a social welfare system that saps the desire of the population to work. Europe is a long way away from a true free market economy. Perhaps you should read the writings of Milton Friedman than follow the story book of Keynes.