Investing in securities


Jul 17, 2010
How do Argentine residents invest in 1) USD inflation-protected bonds like TIPS and 2) mutual funds or ETFs indexed on the S&P 500? I've never heard Argentine friends or family mention small-scale investing, except to deride "betting" on individual local stocks (I agree, individual stocks are too risky for most of us). I understand that it just might not be accessible to middle class Argentinos or advantageous from a tax perspective. But, if not, do people use Interactive Brokers? Are there any good "nacional" brokerages that allow investment in USD denominated securities?
1) USD inflation-protected bonds like TIPS
There are CDs protected against Argentinean inflation. So called "Plazo Fijo UVA". How they calculate inflation is a different story.
Nothing USD-denominated, naturally.
2) mutual funds or ETFs indexed on the S&P 500?
Many banks offer mutual funds investing options.

There are local brokerages as well.
(Just to give one example).
How do you invest in an ETF in Argentina?

Through CDRs, often through a brokerage or sometimes through their bank. Banks in Argentina do not have the same restriction regarding being a full service bank in Argentina as they do in other countries. That is, you can do your checking as well as investing through the same bank.

There are currently 9 ETF options in Argentina that function through CDRs. One is an S&P 500 index fund. Others are the Dow Jones, emerging markets, and a few industry ETFs. They first became available early this year.