Is a prescription needed for Sldenafil/Viagra in Buenos Aires?

Nope, I went to Asuncion (overnight bus, not too uncomfortable or expensive), set myself up in an Airbnb, and ordered several months' supply (from Punto Farma, if memory serves correctly). Very straightforward, nothing dodgy.
Did Paraguay require a prescription? If so, was criteria difficult? Was in vial form or was it for injection? Thanks...
Did Paraguay require a prescription? If so, was criteria difficult? Was in vial form or was it for injection? Thanks...
No prescription required in my case (this may vary, of course, by pharmacy, but Punto Farma didn't ask for anything. They sent a courier with the Semaglix in some ice-packs and a portable card terminal for payment.

It's for injection, the pack contains a vial and 8 syringes. It's definitely less convenient than the Ozempic clickable injector, but it's manageable.
Ozempic prices in Chile.

1 Peso argentino Es igual a
0.97 Peso chileno. Almost the same.

El precio de Ozempic en Chile en pesos Chilenos puede variar entre $184.194 y $306.195, dependiendo de la presentación y la farmacia.

Precios de Ozempic en Chile
  • Ozempic 2 mg/1.5 ml x 1 Jeringa Prellenada: $203.495
    Ozempic 4 mg/3 ml x 1 Jeringa Prellenada: $306.195

    Ozempic 2 mg / 1,5 ml: $184.194
I've gotten Ozmempic here without a prescription, but it's rather expensive, around $500 USD.

As a general rule, the only medications that seem to require a prescription in Argentina are antibiotics, psychotropics, and opioids, though if you know the right pharmacy even this isn't written in stone.
I've gotten Ozmempic here without a prescription, but it's rather expensive, around $500 USD.

As a general rule, the only medications that seem to require a prescription in Argentina are antibiotics, psychotropics, and opioids, though if you know the right pharmacy even this isn't written in stone.
Sounds expensive to me, for the 4ml package last time I checked, maybe 3 months ago, I would have paid 240k Pesos with a 40% OSDE discount (I have a prescription, but at those prices I’m not buying)