Is It Dictatorship To Teach How To Fish?


Apr 28, 2013
[background=transparent]There's an old saying: "If you really want to help someone do NOT give him a fish, instead teach him how to fish".[/background]

By giving hand outs for the youth at early ages .... Cristina clinched the democratic vote hands down. The overwhelming majority of the masses are conformistas and are content with so little. Nice people (not a mean streak in their veins) ... but conformistas !

[background=transparent]Imagine a really real Argentine leader with guts, brains and clear vision (for the country and real world economy .. not for his political gains).[/background]

[background=transparent]Would it be dictatorship if he takes over, without their votes?[/background]

[background=transparent]Just to change their habits (habits are hard to break ... it takes time ... long long time .. and a gutless relentless strong unwavering leader ... to see it through).[/background]
"Would it be dictatorship if he takes over, without their votes?"


Don't cry for me Argentina ! ... it's a long long road !!!

Democracy is messy.

I'll never criticise a democratically elected Argentine Politician giving his/her people what they want to get their votes.
Or bring in a regime like Ortega's in Nicaragua.....!Where Ortega has amended the Constitution to be elected indefinitely, to die in Office. and to govern by decree. Also has majority in Congress. With massive money handouts from Chavez established this form of pseudo democracy . :rolleyes:
Sometime ago I posted: "If you had your druthers, what would you do to fix Argetina?"

Thanks to Dublin the answer is now LOUD & CLEAR:

........ N O T H I N G

Just have to wait, till people break their own habits (very hard to do ... next to impossible).
Sometime ago I posted: "If you had your druthers, what would you do to fix Argetina?"

Thanks to Dublin the answer is now LOUD & CLEAR:

........ N O T H I N G

Just have to wait, till people break their own habits.

Thats exactly what I said. I mean it's either meglomaniac with a messiah complex or sit here on our swiss rolls dreamin' up new empanada flavours.

Tis all we have, sure, lets embrace it. Sorry, I mean, let's EMBRACE IT. The EMPANADAS that IS.

Thats exactly what I said. I mean it's either meglomaniac with a messiah complex or sit here on our swiss rolls dreamin' up new empanada flavours.

Tis all we have, sure, lets embrace it. Sorry, I mean, let's EMBRACE IT. The EMPANADAS that IS.


Sad to watch ... and nothing anyone can do !!!

Like watching an advanced smoker with cancer ... leaving him to break his smoking habit and quit on his own.