Is It Legal To Do Online Exchange For Bringing $Usd?

Describing someone as "Some piss ant clerk making minimum wage" is another. That is sheer arrogance. :mad:

I second that. If the clerk really wanted to be "piss ant" the OP would have walked out the door with no money. My guess is that the "tosser" hasn't been in Argentina long enough to have to deal with "real" "piss ant" clerks.
Ok. I will not take being called arrogant. The OP is obviously not from here , and as I said , he answered truthfully and I feel correctly. If anyone wants to be bullied , or questioned about their personal finances , then it should be done in a professional way. As for some "employee" asking such questions of me , I would refuse to reveal any more than what the OP did.

As for my poor choice of words describing said "employee" , SO what ? DO you know them ? Are you a defender of the "lower wage earner" ? Have you dealt with this type attitude from these "employees" who really do not give a damn about customer service ? Do you like being treated that way ?

You do not know me , and therefore are out of line to call me arrogant. I do not need vocabulary lessons from you. I would also add that you do not get a smiley face this time. Actually , the icon I would send you is not available.
More arrogance! :D I judge you from what you write for all to see.

You think you are better because you think you earn more than someone?

Just because an employee is required to ask questions and you think you are above civility.

Pig ignorant I'd say. As for being "out of line" if you were "in line" in front of me and I heard you speak to someone like this I'd say it direct in your face. :mad:
chill out errrrbody. Lets stay on topic here.

I am about to go. Wish me luck! Will report back.
chill out errrrbody. Lets stay on topic here.

I am about to go. Wish me luck! Will report back.

Everything went swimingly.

I showed up and started to feel stressed out as a big armed security guard stood right behind me. I thought he was with AFIP, ready to take me in for questioning, and I considered walking out without my transfer!

But after a few minutes I realized he was just there for his job.

I got to the counter and gave them my info. After a few minutes on the phone with the company, answering all questions honestly (it's my cash, I'm on vacation, I'm planning on leaving Argentine soon), I got the money.

I got even more stressed as I counted all those pesos right out in the open. A few guys in the line that had gathered behind certainly seemed to take note! Anyway, I didn't even bother to check for counterfeit bills I was so excited to get out of there.

Once the cash was thrown in my bag I made a dash for the nearest Remiseria and hopped in the first car I saw. Just got home safe and sound.

Oh by the way, the rate that I was given was $6.40 -- with no fees. Pretty awesome.
Thanks for posting this useful information.

Seems to me you got excellent service from the supposed piss ants :lol: One up for Customer Service BsAs - hope this rarity spreads quickly!

Security at banks seems to have improved since the national outrage some time ago when in La Plata pregnant Carolina Piparo was shot in the stomach by assailants who had followed her back to her house after she had withdrawn about $13,000. Ms. Piparo survived but lost her baby a few days later. These "salideras" were widely rumoured to be assisted by insiders - either customers with mobile phones or bank staff. Phones are banned, security screens set up etc

Im glad it went well - I wouldnt personally "hop in the nearest remista"!!! - and I would take a friend to watch my back!!

AFIP dont have a uniformed enforcement branch! They dont need one!!