Is There A Small, High Quality/ Speed Internet Company Here?

Tex - What inspired this comment was remembering having seen ads around Recoleta for small companies - usually catering to businesses, I believe - advertising fiber optic internet service etc ... now, I have no idea about any of this but I remember thinking 'If I get fed up with the big companies, I know what to do'. Now I am wondering how to find them, even just to make enquiries, but sadly I didn't make any notes of company names/ contact numbers etc and it's been a while.

I suspect you saw billboards for SION -- the only reference I have for them unfortunately is a friend complaining about her service going down via her facebook feed... I can't comment more about them but you could google around and see if there's more recommends out there for them:
Syngirl -

Thanks for the information, it wasn't Sion. I have known about them for a while and don't think they'd be any better. They only offer 6 Mega, anyway. The ones I have seen are something different, but they may only be for large offices and quite expensive. If I see any of the ads again, I will post here. In the meantime, I suppose I will have to continue to be held hostage by Fibertel!

Telecentro has a 100 Mega service, but I don't think it's reached Recoleta yet and I know about their terrible customer service because I already use them in my home.
upon further investigation: the only office in Buenos Aires is in San Telmo, but they do have a phone line.
These are the only people who get results.
Tex - What inspired this comment was remembering having seen ads around Recoleta for small companies - usually catering to businesses, I believe - advertising fiber optic internet service etc ... now, I have no idea about any of this but I remember thinking 'If I get fed up with the big companies, I know what to do'. Now I am wondering how to find them, even just to make enquiries, but sadly I didn't make any notes of company names/ contact numbers etc and it's been a while.

iPlan does fiber optic, but for small to large businesses. Although they do have at least one residential building wired here in PM through their condo association. They used to advertise on billboards in the past, so maybe that's one you saw.

On a side note; Friday we noticed our 6mbps Fibertel service had gone up to $300/mo. I checked their page and they have Evolution 30mbps for $320/mo ($20 more for 5x speed!). Called friday afternoon, got the service upgraded and next day, saturday morning they showed up promptly, but with the wrong modem. They apologized, called another tech in the neighborhood and within 20 minutes we had the correct modem and finished upgrade. I have to say their customer service was surprisingly fast and good. The higher speed is a definite plus for streaming video.
I've waited 2 weeks now for fibertel. It took them 4 days to call me back (the only way to get their online offers), I waited a week for installation, then waited a whole day for them to turn up. They called me at the end of the day to respond to a 10 day old request for them to call me, and while I had them on the line they told me that nobody would be coming to my house as I wasn't on the system. They rescheduled another visit for next week, but using the wrong address - something I've called three times about to try to change. I may or may not get lucky enough to pay them for internet next week, depending on whether the gods will it or not.

And as much as this sucks, they are supposed to be leagues better than everyone else. Stopping your service and looking for another on principle might be cutting your nose off to spite your face...
Fibertel customer service is not good...but quality of the internet service is better than all the others - except iPlan. iPlan is better for quality of both internet and customer service from my experience. But they do not have service everywhere.