Is Tomorrow A Holiday?


Aug 7, 2012
I just called a public office to do a "tramite" (paperwork). They told me that to come today, as Friday is a holiday and Monday is a free day for public employees. ??????????????
First time I heard about this, is this true?
Not a holiday! Just found out that it is a free day for all public workers, not teachers. For some reason this Monday this office is also taking off as a free day.

El Ministerio de Educación aclaró el feriado previsto por el Día del Empleado Público no alcanza al personal docente

Before you say anything, it was voted by the entire legislature AND was proposed by a radical.
I wouldnt like these holidays if they didnt have a point. See, since the K govern, they made huge changes in the calendar and now we have a lot of more holidays per year. Holidays that didnt exist!!

The main reason they give to the critics is simple: internal tourism. Exactly, if you have an expansive economy, printing pesos, with a very important percentage of informal job and cuentapropismo (pequeños comerciantes), the fact of having these holidays 5/6 times (or even more) a year, really helps and dinamizes the economy. Tourism is one of the 5 important sources of this country, so that explains a little.

If some of you lived here before the Ks, probably should notice these big changes they made, easily 10 new holidays per year!! Bad for the kids that must go to school, though.

11 vs 12?
I don't understand the complaints. I like holidays. I like spending time with my family and spending some QT with a book and a bottle. Isn't that the whole purpose of progress and improved productivity: so that we can have better quality lives instead of working more? So what if it means I can't get some tramites done or whatever.

Y'all can work if you want, but IMHO, it's one of the things I like about the life here.