It Just Flies By.


Apr 1, 2014
As we approach the end of the year here.It is always pleasant for me to give and take the different "saludos---greetings" of this time with different Argentines both neighbors and friends.The usual is "felicidades---happy times".Although one is free to add their own improvisation,if they so desire..
Luckily not everyone is glued to their smartphone especially the more humble folk and older people
who still greet each other as real human beings using their tongues and imaginations like people used to before technology made everyone a techie wannabe.
Sitting outside at a coffee bar on Mitre and Suipacha you get a mixture of passers by.Shop and office workers and local residents..I told the waiter, an old acquaintance." un año mas--the end of another year".He replied," No corre,vuela---it doesn't just run by,it flies by".This is what happens when you get over 65.
More interesting were the younger street venders from outside BA who come in to sell strings of garlic cloves.Humble folk they were addressing female pedestrians with the greeting to buy their garlic to cook something for their husbands or boy friends but using the formal Spanish --Ud.. and le forms instead of the informal "vos and te".The young women were also answering them formally.
One did make an old style "piropo" like "Did you ever see a dream walking,? Well I did".Telling the young lady at the same time," Sin guarangadas----nothing foul mouthed from me".We all broke up laughing.Even ,la señorita herself.
Time just flies by when you're having fun.-------- No corre,vuela.
Boy it sure does and the older you get the faster it seems to fly but yet in many ways more enjoyable as long as you health is intact. Hate watching friends pass from this and that but that is the life it is what it is. Good friend from childhood today informed me he has a terminal condition I was thinking about all day today in the gym how fortunate I am. Then tonight dining with my Arg wife and so far from BS up north. Enjoy the life as they say down here.
As Einstein put it, time is relative.

“Put your hand on a hot stove for a minute, and it seems like an hour. Sit with a pretty girl for an hour, and it seems like a minute. That's relativity.”
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