It's time for a New Life...

Thanks for that...brilliant analysis!

I have some advice for you, come down to Bs As alone and you can fall in love with a different beautiful woman every single night.

Did you not learn your lesson after the divorce?

mclovin said:
So 25 years ago you broke up with "your one true love" whom you met at junior school and now your back together because of your terrible divorce?

She must feel so privileged that she wasn't good enough all those years ago and now that your confidence has been shattered by your ex-wife she suddenly falls into the "one true love" category.

Do here a favor and set her loose!

Your obviously still hung up on your "war of the roses" divorce otherwise you would not have mentioned it in your opening line

Next time maybe word your opening line like this

I am a big loser and just been ditched by my ex. I can't stand to be in the same city/town as her, as the embarrassment is just too much to bare.

I have managed to convince an old girlfriend (that i never really liked when we were together) to drop everything and run away to BA with me to help me regain my confidence. Once we are there and I am familiar with the area and realize that there are many more girls in the world once stop crying about my ex, I intend to drop her and send her back home and start a new relationship with some hot spanish speaking chick.

BA is not the answer to YOUR problems!
mclovin said:
So 25 years ago you broke up with "your one true love" whom you met at junior school and now your back together because of your terrible divorce?

She must feel so privileged that she wasn't good enough all those years ago and now that your confidence has been shattered by your ex-wife she suddenly falls into the "one true love" category.

Do here a favor and set her loose!

Your obviously still hung up on your "war of the roses" divorce otherwise you would not have mentioned it in your opening line

Next time maybe word your opening line like this

I am a big loser and just been ditched by my ex. I can't stand to be in the same city/town as her, as the embarrassment is just too much to bare.

I have managed to convince an old girlfriend (that i never really liked when we were together) to drop everything and run away to BA with me to help me regain my confidence. Once we are there and I am familiar with the area and realize that there are many more girls in the world once stop crying about my ex, I intend to drop her and send her back home and start a new relationship with some hot spanish speaking chick.

BA is not the answer to YOUR problems!

Where in the OP does he once say that his 'first true love' wasn't good enough for him?????
Who are you to judge anyway?
I am now with my first true love after a gap of 30 years, so I know what I'm talking about.
Lives move on, times and circumstances change and if your very, very lucky, the planets align themselves and something amazing happens.
Get off his back, cretin!
mclovin said:
Maybe a "veteran" such as yourself would be better suited to reply to his post.

You could perhaps mention all of the nice budget hotels and restaurants that he could visit, possibly even offer to find him and his new love a vacancy at one of the companies you know who are hiring, maybe even find him an apartment near to yourself then you could sit and listen to him bull shit on about his divorce.


Get a life