Japan's Head Honcho To Visit Buenos Aires

Hybrid Ambassador

Sep 24, 2012
I am going to Buenos Aires!, shouted the prime minister of Japan. The IOC and its entourage to meet in Argentina's capital on Sept. 9th in order to finally decide which country will get to host the Olympic of 2020. Japan: Spain: and Turkey, are the candidate country eyeing to grab the hosting right...You know, very big business the Olympics, very lucrative for its hosting country..


Bid president Tsunekazu Takeda, flanked by Tokyo governor Naoki Inose, refused to reveal what they had up their sleeves for Argentina but expressed confidence that IOC members would be convinced of the city's know-how and ability to host the world's biggest multiple-sport event.

"It's hard to believe it's already boiled down to just 15 days left," Takeda told reporters. "There is a sense of nervous energy as we close in on a six-year dream. We live in challenging and rapidly changing times and Tokyo's is the best bid to deliver a dynamic Games in this climate."

Tokyo, which hosted the Olympics in 1964, lost out to Rio in the race to host the 2016 Games but organisers hope the city's financial strength and their immediate access to a budget of $4.5 billion could swing the vote this time, with the IOC under pressure to curb Olympic spending. http://news.malaysia.msn.com/regional/tokyo-pledges-hard-push-in-2020-bid-finale-2

“By each and every one of the 800 passionate Tokyo 2020 supporters in this room carrying out their responsibilities, I am hopeful that when the IOC makes their decision on September 7 in Buenos Aires we will witness Tokyo 2020’s victory,” the Prime Minister said at the official departure ceremony. “I will go to Buenos Aires as well.”

“We are honoured that Prime Minister Abe will lead our delegation to the IOC Session in Buenos Aires, which is a strong sign of how the whole of Japan is united behind and hugely passionate about our bid,” IOC Member and Tokyo 2020 and Japanese Olympic Committee President Tsunekazu Takeda said. “The country is tremendously excited about our plans and we feel a great momentum continuing to build for our bid.

Huh? I'm confused! Are they CONSIDERING Buenos Aires for something Olympic ("highest trash heaps", sidewalk pothole vaulting?) or just meeting here to decide something important while eating steak and drinking Malbec?
Huh? I'm confused! Are they CONSIDERING Buenos Aires for something Olympic ("highest trash heaps", sidewalk pothole vaulting?) or just meeting here to decide something important while eating steak and drinking Malbec?
lacoqueta-san, No, la nacion, la Republica Argentina no tiene la plata para una Olimpiada! It costs in the neighbourhood of tens of billions of dollars if no existing infrastructure already in place. The IOC are meeting in Buenos Aires to hold the " fiesta, a carnival circle " to announce which country will get the right to host the Olympic games of 2020...Each candidate nation has to push and convince the judges of the IOC fraternity that their country is the one deserving for the Olimpic staging rights..
The GB spent more than 24 Billion pounds to stage the 2012 Olympics.!
The final bill for the 2012 Olympics could be ten times higher than the original estimate, according to an investigation.
The predicted cost of the games when London won the bid in 2005 was £2.37billion. That figure has now spiralled to more than £12billion and could reach as much as £24billion, the Sky Sports investigation claims.
The Olympics public sector funding package, which covers the building of the venues, security and policing, was upped to around £9.3bn in 2007.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2092077/London-2012-Olympics-cost-spiral-24bn--10-TIMES-higher-2005-estimate.html#ixzz2cuWKiwVm
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Argentina has paid off its outstanding debt to the iMF but still in litigation for these outstanding debts..Argentina reported that it owed private investors $11.2 billion
($6.8 billion in principal and $4.4 billion in past due interest). Holdout creditors estimate that
with additional interest, this number could be as high as $15 billion by 2013, with $1.3 billion
under litigation in federal court. Argentina also owes the Paris Club countries $6.3 billion in
principal plus past due interest and penalties. The U.S. portion is estimated at $550 million. So no Olimpics for Argentina for a long while! However, the Brazilians getting on with its 2016 Olimpic ceremony, unless the "favelas" poors and other _middle class_ revolts again..
And it seems that the gran Argentina had its fiscal trubles such as the " Peronist unrest " before too...

The Paris Club, which bills itself as "an informal group of official creditors," is studying ways to reduce Iraq's debt load. What's the Paris Club, and who's on the membership list?
The club traces its roots back nearly half a century, to an Argentinean financial crisis during the "Peronist Unrest" of 1956. Teetering on the brink of default, the troubled country met with several of its sovereign creditors in Paris to arrange a rescheduling of its debt payments. The negotiations helped stave off an economic catastrophe and convinced the creditor nations that—with multilateral cooperation—they could prevent future Third World implosions. By meeting to come up with less onerous payment plans, which would typically include at least partial debt forgiveness, creditor nations could ensure that everyone got paid in a timely fashion. (If only a few creditors played nice, the debtors would have to pay off the less forgiving nations first, and there might be nothing left for the reschedulers.) http://www.slate.com/articles/news_and_politics/explainer/2003/05/what_is_the_paris_club.html
The Peronist unrest, 1956 the story.

From exile in Paraguay, Juan Domingo Peron (1895-1974), former dictator of Argentina, ordered his sympathizers to harass the government through riots, sabotage, and terrorism. On June 14, 1956, Peronist rebels rose in revolt in the provinces of Santa Fe, La Pampa, and Buenos Aires. Declaring martial law, the provisional government, headed by General Pedro Pablo Eugenio Aramburu (1903-70), sent in troops to restore order. Many on both sides were killed and wounded before the revolt was suppressed; more than 2,000 civilians and military men were arrested, 38 of whom were executed. Later in 1956 other Peronist plots were uncovered and squashed. A neo-Peronist Popular Union party urged voters to cast blank ballots in the forthcoming elections for a constituent assembly. Violent clashes between proponents for and against the restoration of a constitutional government became frequent. When the elections were over in 1957, the single largest block of votes was blank, but those who did vote elected pro-reform candidates who held about 60 percent of the assembly seats. The assembly voted to restore the 1853 constitution, but little else was accomplished. The government was hindered by strikes by telephone and telegraph employees and by general strikes by antigovernment workers, most of whom were Peronists. These disputes caused much damage, large production losses, and general political and economic chaos.
Huh? I'm confused! Are they CONSIDERING Buenos Aires for something Olympic ("highest trash heaps", sidewalk pothole vaulting?) or just meeting here to decide something important while eating steak and drinking Malbec?

We're starting of small with the Youth olympics. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2018_Summer_Youth_Olympics
Japan want the 2020 Olympic to be granted to Tokyo, they are all there the reps from Japan, Spain, Turkey here is a promoting video, sorry that is spoken in Japanese but the video itself can be understood despite no Japanese knowledge...If the video does not start, just point your mouth pointer to the center next to the little girl and click.. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FuuV5hYbmSE
IOC ( international olympic commission ) they will arrive on the 4th till the 10th of September.


The Immigrations National Office has approved that international media attending the IOC Session will not have to apply for a working visa to enter Argentina for reporting purposes. ( rumoured to be in the excess of 700 press, TV and media there to cover the IOC event.)

However, those from the countries which normally require a visa to enter Argentina will still have to apply for a visitor’s visa.

For entry to Argentina, passports need to be valid for at least 90 days after date of departure.
>>Divining the real cost of an Olympics Games is as impossible as parsing the motives of the International Olympic Committee (IOC) members for choosing a particular city.
In turn it hasn’t always been tangible why a city would wish to burden their citizens with a spend of €2.19 billion, €2.58 billion, or €2.27 billion as Istanbul, Tokyo and Madrid, in the IOC’s evaluation report from April this year, have agreed to do for the 2020 Olympics. And those figures do not include capital spending on building arenas.
The true cost for London to reinforce its reputation as a global player in 2012 has been muddled as infrastructure that needed to be built anyway, with the final numbers coming in at about €10.45 billion. http://www.irishtimes.com/sport/rugby/d ... -1.1512584