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Don't you think this anarchist overstates the problem just a wee bit. Maybe all you need is bitcoins?
Don't you think this anarchist overstates the problem just a wee bit. Maybe all you need is bitcoins?

Not at all, that's just you being reactionary.

Your question is conservative as it is, bitcoins is just another variety of currency.
Not at all, that's just you being reactionary.

Your question is conservative as it is, bitcoins is just another variety of currency.

Gee, I find the author's call to action extreme and utopian:

The enlightened conscious man needs no school to raise his children, no church to know his God, no banker to validate his work and no government to choose his enemies. He is free to do as he pleases, when he pleases and how he pleases. His liberty allows him to need almost nothing, which is how the great evil matrix becomes undone: in a great fire of awareness.

Money – Use fractional reserve money only for what is needed in the short term. Have no savings denominated in their dollars. All savings in hard assets.

Work & Corporations – Avoid, to the greatest extent possible, working for and using corporations. Actively pursue locally owned alternatives and self-employment. As a consumer, avoid all corporate products whenever possible. This includes clothes, food, religion, news, etc.

Bread & Circus – Cancel all cable subscriptions immediately. Sell all your televisions and take your best friend out for a night on the town with the proceeds. Stop participating in the corporate entertainment network. If you love baseball, follow a local independent team. If you love dramas, frequent your local theater. Read independent news services. Always know the source of what you are consuming. Avoid corporate food at all costs. Pay the premium for locally, independently grown and prepared food.

Follow the Law to the Letter – That means paying all taxes, following all regulations, and submitting to all their rules while they are still in force. The cause is not advanced by having militants ensnarled by the criminal justice system. All their efforts must be fully dedicated to disengaging themselves, their families and their friends. Moves must be calculated to maximize strength and staying power, even if it means remaining “attached” to parts of the system longer than one would like. A financially sound, secure militant family disengaging and evangelizing is their worst enemy.

Politics - The obvious thing to be done is abstain from participation. In most cases, this would be the clear strategy. However, with an iconoclastic candidate like Ron Paul still in the running, it makes sense to give him support. The more the mainstream avoids him and dances around his campaign, the more he should be backed.
This post got 51 views so far. Hopefully a few out of these 51 were astute, open-minded and sensitive enough to get where this is coming from. I'll dismiss comments based on ignorance.
Actually the comments aren't based on ignorance. It's so depressing to see how easily young people (our age) are buying into this scaremongering tinfoil hat crap. It's great that we're thinking for ourselves and taking things with a grain of salt but I don't understand how you can be skeptical enough to buy into this whole worldwide conspiracy BS and at the same time naive enough to buy into this worldwide conspiracy crap!
Want to start a real grown up healthy discussion?
Start with arguments and less synonyms for feces.
I suggest the author is straight out of the 'frustrated orientalist' school of thought ! It's a classic 'wonderful west' V's the rest rant by a person who should have conducted far better research, and then taken the time to analyse the information before coming up with a half way decent premise and argument. In my opinion he would pass membership for the Leo Strauss Neo Con's.....and that is in no way meant as a complement.

I am no fan of western corporates, materialism, well meaning western governments or anything of the sought. But I feel all this wailing and moaning of the current state of a group of politically correct, disempowered, emasculated, educationally challenged individuals in society is overdoing it a bit! Why?, because I believe these sanctified homo sapiens must take their share of the blame! Just check this nonsence out...
" One of the most amazing feats of the regime is how they coerce young people to go into extreme amounts of debt to be brainwashed and taught not to think before they ever even have a career".

Oh my heart bleeds! How on earth he manages to direct blame against the 'regime' beggars belief. The main reasons young people end up in so much financial stress is more often than not due to their own lack of life skills, i.e. planning, budgeting, research, and awareness than any brainwashing by the 'regime'. The ability of the individual, in this case young people, to make wrong choices is legend. It's always been the same! Where does this lack of life skills come from? Not the 'regimes' education system, no it comes from the primary carers, the parents.

Here is another doozy of a quote;

"Mainstream and not so mainstream religion generally tries to sell people on a hodgepodge of fear and fantasy, with a big pay-off for the self righteous who drink most from the sacred well of Kool-Aid. What must never be attempted is to actually have an authentic spiritual experience, for this would cause the subject to run from the dogma and quite possibly bring most of the remaining parishioners with him. Real consciousness as much an anathema to religion as critical thinking is to academia.

But even if one can escape the grasp of schools and universities, dodge the churches, few can evade the tempting trap of the circus. The television, music, the press, spectator sports, movie stars and the like have an almost hallucinatory power over the sheeple. Not only do these pastimes steal the money of the masses, they brainwash them to boot. The regime’s mantra: pay the master for the right to be enslaved."

Seriously, what is this guy on? I have 17 year old clients who even when they are as high as a kite make more sense that him.....and that is pushing it!

I must be having a bad day, but in all honesty I feel Mr Robert Bonomo should revamp his C.V and look to other more gainful employment other than writing ill thought of essays.

Sorry for the rant, but this guy should try my job for the day, them maybe he would begin to see that the problem is not with the regime, the real problem lies with people from all generations who lack life skills, and who don't aspire to do anything about it.