Jujuy 468: turno to receive DNI


May 12, 2020
hey folks! i have a turno tomorrow to receive, after 4 years, a bar opening, many girlfriends, a marriage, and a dog, my permanent dni. i'm heading down to jujuy 468 to recieve it, and have seen that they need the reciept showing that i paid for it...that paper receipt that i received from banco nacion is LONG gone, considering it was given to me about a year ago - does anyone know how on earth i'm gonna be able to receive my dni tomorrow? do i just show up with my passport, precaria, disposition, and a lot of onda?

edit: and what exactly is the "solicitud de tramite" that they need? will the dispo from migraciones work for this?
Isn't the easiest solution just to pay for it again and keep the receipt?

And when I first read your post, I interpreted it as tomorrow you will receive a bar opening, many girlfriends, a marriage, and a dog (and your DNI). If that is indeed what you're receiving, congrats!
Isn't the easiest solution just to pay for it again and keep the receipt?

And when I first read your post, I interpreted it as tomorrow you will receive a bar opening, many girlfriends, a marriage, and a dog (and your DNI). If that is indeed what you're receiving, congrats!
you think the boleta that they sent a year ago is still valid? i guess i could go to banco central and pay 300 pesos tomorrow morning!