Just Hours Away From SALVATION and SANITY !!!

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bigbadwolf said:
One can argue that the Cold War never really ended. USA, Russia, China, and various wannabes are still jostling for influence all over the world. Indeed, the US has been encroaching on Russia's sphere of influence -- in spite of earlier promises to do no such thing. "Hope" has nothing to do with this dispassionate discussion: leave that to the sheep who are swooning over the coronation of O-baa-ma. It's US policymakers who coined the term "full spectrum dominance." Now whatever could this mean? US intentions and actions are not benign.

I just stumbled across this piece in Asia Times. I think it's a riveting read.

Whatever the US's intentions may be is no reason to get involved with Russia or China.

It was you who first used the word "hopefully". For someone who claims to be dispassionate, I think it is your writing that is loaded with emotional language.
mini said:
Whatever the US's intentions may be is no reason to get involved with Russia or China.

I think you're missing the point profoundly. Without Chinese and Russian involvement, what happened to Noriega's Panama and Allende's Chile could happen to Chavez's Venezuela and Morales's Bolivia. The USA has a history of subversion and military interference in Latin America. That is one good reason to get involved with Russia and China

I'm merely describing realpolitik; where is this supposed emotion except as a figment of your imagination?
bigbadwolf said:
I'm merely describing realpolitik; where is this supposed emotion except as a figment of your imagination?

It is not my imagination. You are the one who used "hopefully". That was you. And then you are the one who wrote ""Hope" has nothing to do with this dispassionate discussion: leave that to the sheep who are swooning over the coronation of O-baa-ma." Dispassionate? From you? I don't buy that. But if you say so.
mini said:
It is not my imagination. You are the one who used "hopefully". That was you. And then you are the one who wrote ""Hope" has nothing to do with this dispassionate discussion ...

I think this is nit-picking and I'm not sure what it adds to the discussion. By "hopefully" I mean not only that I hope it happens but that it's a realistic expectation given the dynamics of American weakness and resurgent interest by China and Russia; by "hope" on the other hand, I'm referring more to the general mood of unfounded anticipation in the USA. But to reiterate, I don't see how this quibbling adds to the discussion.
Dudester said:
In just a few more hours the world will finally be rid of the Negative forces of the last 8 years and be given a new chance to make so much of the wrong America has been responsible for right again (not that that much will probably change but then again we might all be surprised). The vibe in America right now is amazing, it's like people can't wait, they want the switch to happen NOW.... I understand. What are your thoughts? How is the level of anticipation - or lack of it - in your City/Country? Waiting for a Miracle, Dudester

Do you also believe in Tooth fairies Dudester? Things will be worse with this president as he and his cabinet are war mongers and very much behind big business.
Clarke, maybe you could give it more than a week before drawing conclusions?
Clarke, I believe in what I see, hear and catch a vib on - my intuition IOW (sorry for the surfer talk). So far I see a very intelligent, hard working man working almost 24/7 since 1/21/09 am. For 8 LONG years I also saw an incompetent, poorly informed, under educated slacker clown who brought this country to it's knees. A man who SHOULD NEVER HAVE BEEN PRESIDENT (and he will go down as the worst in US history). Anti Iraq War Obama is a war monger? interesting concept..... You talkin' about the very recent Pakistan Missile Attack? FINALLY smoking out Bin Laden looks like to me. Big Business? America is run by big business (and the Military Industrial Complex), we all know that... So what else is new ? Dudester - catch a wave and you're sittin' on top of the world....
Wow, President Obama just gave a kick ass speech moments ago, this guy is cleaning up Washington and bringing a new concept to town - WORK HARD and GET IT DONE, so opposite "The Slacker" from before...... Wow, there's definitely a new Sheriff in town and I like what I'm hearing - go Obama go, he's going to perform a miracle, he's going to make Government work for the people...... finally, SOMEONE !!!
Dudester said:
Wow, President Obama just gave a kick ass speech moments ago ...

Dudester, you've convinced me of the error of my ways. I've just become too cynical for my own good. Plus I just read this article that explains the full implications of Obama's courageous decision to close Guantanamo.
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