Know any creative ways to practise Spanish?


Jan 27, 2010
When I arrived in BA last October I found a post on here for 'Spanglish' but decided it wasn't for me and set up a meeting once a week over a coffee with an aquaintance, purely for conversation, as an alternative. It works well but sadly, 8 months on, this hour is the only time in the week I speak in Castellano and I'm trying to find other ways to practise.
I am actually taking a break from studying because my spoken level of spanish has fallen so far behind my class mates who live in house shares with other Argentines, where they live and breath the language.

I find my Spanish has yet to overtake the English spoken by most of the Argentines I know, so as soon as I show signs of a struggle they break into english and I'm afraid I can't find the words quickly enough to protest. I wondered if anyone came to BA as a complete beginner to Spanish and found themself in the same situation as me, where their life in BA did not naturally offer the opportunity for decent daily practise.

Many thanks
Yes – I am one of those people! I have been learning for 7 weeks now 3 times a week but outside these classes I haven't been using my Spanish nearly as much as I thought I would be! *Blush* it might have something to do with hanging out with expats a little too much. I did like Spanglish but felt it was too rushed, forced and a little repetitive. I'd love to find a coffee/chat partner but worry if I put something on Craig's List I will get either crazy people writing back or someone who is trying to sell me something. So please, if anyone has any great ideas - I'd also love to know! Cheers.
Thanks Iheartbsas, if I do find another language exchange partner who wants to do some more practise I will send them your way.
Last night a friend who works in one of the hospitals suggested putting up a notice there for the staff who may want to practise medical English (I am/was a Nurse) which seems a good idea...we shall see!
(thanks for your reply re oil painting classes too!)
I have an Argentine friend that I go jogging with and it works perfectly, because I am a bit fitter than her, so because conversation is naturally slowed when one is huffing and puffing, I have time to think about what I am saying, and she is forced to slow down her speech in order to breathe! Unfortunately though, once again when we finish the run, we go back to English.

In order to find an intercambio partner, what about putting up a notice at a local English Institute? There would be a lot of people studying there who would be keen to exchange language. Or, ask an expat friend to ask around their workplace. This is how I found mine, and she is fantastic (both for Spanish and as a person!)