
Are you for real?

I lived overlooking the Sarmiento line for about 1.5 years -- in that time I saw 3 derailments, fortunately none seemed to have fatalities, but the first time it happened i couldn't believe it, I took all sorts of pics from my balcony -- you know what I couldn't believe? Was that people were just jumping out of the carriages and walking away, as if it were a common occurence, which it turned out it was. It was so common that when I looked in the news the first time there was no mention of it. So how many other incidences are going on every day that aren't reported, that are just shown as a "demora" on the line. Only in the case of large fatalities do these things seem to hit the front page.

My point is that is not only the Sarmiento. I believe other trains are in the same shape, there are a lot of decadent trains in the city. There are tons of examples to show how bad they are. But these conversations, as well as the 3 accidents, and all the press is concentrated in Sarmiento. They dont talk of any other train lines. Only the Sarmiento. Thats fishy.
The railroad unión (la fraternidad) and the unión leader of the Sarmiento make Hoffa look like Micky Mouse.
Sobrero is a leader from extreme left. It is not the extreme left lies and people dies when they want something:“pollo”-sobrero-“tenemos-el-desafio-de-recuperar
He wants to administrare the Sarmiento line.
Here, an EPR leader still insist on the lie about that they attack a military facility to defend the democracy:
My point is that is not only the Sarmiento. I believe other trains are in the same shape, there are a lot of decadent trains in the city. There are tons of examples to show how bad they are. But these conversations, as well as the 3 accidents, and all the press is concentrated in Sarmiento. They dont talk of any other train lines. Only the Sarmiento. Thats fishy.

The Sarmiento, to the best of my knowledge, is the only one that has suffered massive fatal crashes. It also "serves" areas that are the Camporistas' natural constituency, so it's obviously more important to keep fares low than keep its passengers safe. That said, when I last rode the Mitre line, I was shocked by how much it had deteriorated in a very short time.
My point is that is not only the Sarmiento. I believe other trains are in the same shape, there are a lot of decadent trains in the city. There are tons of examples to show how bad they are. But these conversations, as well as the 3 accidents, and all the press is concentrated in Sarmiento. They dont talk of any other train lines. Only the Sarmiento. Thats fishy.

When a train line kills people it deserves to be talked about. Why is that hard for you to comprehend?

What's that line about people getting the government they deserve?
When a train line kills people it deserves to be talked about. Why is that hard for you to comprehend?

What's that line about people getting the government they deserve?

My point is that its fishy that being a lot of railways in the city, everything happens in one. The experts said in both accidents was a human error, and one acciodent a week before the election, with the symbolic power that has to the FPV? with all the things happened before, with the huge conflicct with the drivers, EVERYTHING concentrated in one line? cause its not only the once crash, its what happened after, the two accidents after the first one, the press only talks of that one, no other train, and the way they present. You have the most important political actor of the right today in Clarin, and a group of amateur radio operators, (today in disuse with internet and stuff) recorded accidently these conversations and as a fan of the program sent them... like Grupo Clarin dont have the power to record by itself!! Thay have the power to do that and a lot more, they have a lot of different actors of the right converging with them.... besides the lack of credibility Lanata has....

Its all fishy, there are lots of trains in worst conditions than the Sarmiento, I am sure. Why to show the decadence do they only talk of the Sarmiento? why do everything happen with the Sarmiento? You can expand you criticize and make a lot more including inform of the state of the railways. There is a lot to show. There are trains from 1960 still operating today.
My point is that its fishy that being a lot of railways in the city, everything happens in one.

Matias, what is your argument here?

1. All of these accidents are only happening on one train line (Sarmiento) and that is fishy


2. Media is focused soley on problems of one train line with the intent of damaging the executives reputation

My answers below:

1. Major & minor accidents have occured on all of the metropolitan train lines in the past decade.

A year ago a diesel train on the Belgrano Sur failed to stop and crashed into Estación Buenos Aires - luckily enough no one was killed. This was caused by the engineer sending text messages - is in the process of being tried. The Mitre line has also suffered numerous derailings in the last 5 years. This is obviously due to lack of investment by TBA when they were in charge, and lack of control on part of the government. The Roca & San Martin may have had a few derailings, as UGOFE invested pretty heavily in investing in rail infraestructure, although I cannot recall specifics right now. The Belgrano Norte & Urquiza have been spared from almost any accidents (except for a strong coupling, decoupling incident at Retiro Belgrano). Dont get me started on the amount of derailments and other rail related accidents outside of AMBA.

2. Right now the media is focusing on the Sarmiento due to the recent crash, and I think this is pretty reasonable. Obviously I think that there needs to be more attention paid to past errors and problems on the other rail lines, but this does not negate reporting on the Sarmiento issue. I also think that it is silly to say that Clarin is pointing the finger at the government for this incident, as they reported pretty heavily on the engineer removing the hard drive from the video recorder. I also think that it is naive to believe that there is no government responsability in either of these incidents. The government is responsible for supervising the operating companies and for directing, regulating investments - ATS should be implemented and its use regulated by the CNRT.
Matias, you have a habit of shooting yourself in the foot.
You point out that there are still trains running that date back to 1960, which may or may not be true but I think it probably is.
That in itself is fishy.
What's even fishier is the scant regard this regime pays to human lives in respect of those killed in the Once train crash and subsequent accidents.
They simply pay lip service to those bereaved.
anyone can record the radio if it's not encrypted.

cheap radio scanner and you can listen in to the police, air traffic control, security guards or in this case the trains. Before they digitalised mobile phones you could listen in there too. (this happened to prince Charles years ago when he was talking about being Camilla's tampon or something.)

it takes no fucking "power" to record this shit at all, program in the frequencies and leave it scanning.

There are people broadcasting most of these things online all round the world.

Here you can listen to BA Air Traffic Control


I'm sure trains / police are being broadcast too.

Why the Sarmiento? people haven't died on the others yet.

Want to listen in for yourself? Buy a cheap scanner and away you go!

Matias, what is your argument here?

1. All of these accidents are only happening on one train line (Sarmiento) and that is fishy


2. Media is focused soley on problems of one train line with the intent of damaging the executives reputation

My answers below:

1. Major & minor accidents have occured on all of the metropolitan train lines in the past decade.

A year ago a diesel train on the Belgrano Sur failed to stop and crashed into Estación Buenos Aires - luckily enough no one was killed. This was caused by the engineer sending text messages - is in the process of being tried. The Mitre line has also suffered numerous derailings in the last 5 years. This is obviously due to lack of investment by TBA when they were in charge, and lack of control on part of the government. The Roca & San Martin may have had a few derailings, as UGOFE invested pretty heavily in investing in rail infraestructure, although I cannot recall specifics right now. The Belgrano Norte & Urquiza have been spared from almost any accidents (except for a strong coupling, decoupling incident at Retiro Belgrano). Dont get me started on the amount of derailments and other rail related accidents outside of AMBA.

2. Right now the media is focusing on the Sarmiento due to the recent crash, and I think this is pretty reasonable. Obviously I think that there needs to be more attention paid to past errors and problems on the other rail lines, but this does not negate reporting on the Sarmiento issue. I also think that it is silly to say that Clarin is pointing the finger at the government for this incident, as they reported pretty heavily on the engineer removing the hard drive from the video recorder. I also think that it is naive to believe that there is no government responsability in either of these incidents. The government is responsible for supervising the operating companies and for directing, regulating investments - ATS should be implemented and its use regulated by the CNRT.

I say that the media, who may have interersts in this, dont forget this point, only talks about the Sarmiento. As you said there are a lots of other incidents in other railways, but why every time they must speak of the abandonment we have on the trains they speak only pure and exclussively of the Sarmiento?. I did not hear anybody talking of the Belgrano or Urquiza. It is fishy that when we talk of how bad the trains are, and A LOT OF PEOPLE TALKED IN THE MEDIA OF THIS, every inform, every note, every article, every drivers conversations, every human mistaken accident, EVERYTHING focus only in the Sarmiento.
Bearing in mind also the obscene amount of money that is being poured into 'footie para todos', I'd be interested to find out how much of this latest public spending budget is being put into the trains.
Or. to put it more succinctly, how much of any public spending on the railways will the railways actually see?