
I say that the media, who may have interersts in this, dont forget this point, only talks about the Sarmiento. As you said there are a lots of other incidents in other railways, but why every time they must speak of the abandonment we have on the trains they speak only pure and exclussively of the Sarmiento?. I did not hear anybody talking of the Belgrano or Urquiza. It is fishy that when we talk of how bad the trains are, and A LOT OF PEOPLE TALKED IN THE MEDIA OF THIS, every inform, every note, every article, every drivers conversations, every human mistaken accident, EVERYTHING focus only in the Sarmiento.

Not clear ... you believe the media and Clarin fabricated these events on the Sarmiento.... or are they real events .... That is fishy?
If the press reported events had covered all railway lines you would still find it fishy because the radio amateurs may have edited the communications and should be discarded..... jajjajajaj ...... you are predictable .... very....!!
No point arguing.... cheers
And on a completely different note, gone Chopin, be Bach in a minuet.
I say that the media ... only talks about the Sarmiento.

You did see the link included in my original post talking about accident on the Belgrano Sur, right? The media talks about whatever happens. If there is a derailment on the Mitre, it would make no sense at all for the media to talk about the Roca. If there is an accident one line, it seems reasonable enough for the media to focus on the deficiencies and problems on that line (both human & infraestructure). In addition, due to the high usage and lack of rolling stock, there tend to be more problems, and more incidents to report on the Sarmiento.

You seem to be angry that the media is focusing on the problems that impact the users on one line, all the while not mentioning the fact that there is a new "express" service operating with new chinese manufactured wagons on the San Martin. Am I right in my interpretation? Although I agree that this should be mentioned as a positive step to address the chronic shortage of rolling stock on the San Martin line - it should also be analyzed critically as a half-measure, as electrification of this line was announced to much acclaim by the Kirchner administrations. Also the fact that they present Diesel wagons that do not have air conditioning as the "latest" in technology and comfort is laughable.
You did see the link included in my original post talking about accident on the Belgrano Sur, right? The media talks about whatever happens. If there is a derailment on the Mitre, it would make no sense at all for the media to talk about the Roca. If there is an accident one line, it seems reasonable enough for the media to focus on the deficiencies and problems on that line (both human & infraestructure). In addition, due to the high usage and lack of rolling stock, there tend to be more problems, and more incidents to report on the Sarmiento.

You seem to be angry that the media is focusing on the problems that impact the users on one line, all the while not mentioning the fact that there is a new "express" service operating with new chinese manufactured wagons on the San Martin. Am I right in my interpretation? Although I agree that this should be mentioned as a positive step to address the chronic shortage of rolling stock on the San Martin line - it should also be analyzed critically as a half-measure, as electrification of this line was announced to much acclaim by the Kirchner administrations. Also the fact that they present Diesel wagons that do not have air conditioning as the "latest" in technology and comfort is laughable.

No, again, I dont know of others lines, what I am saying is that is fishy that EVERYTHING (accidents, conversations, problems with the sindicates, TV informs, everything) is just of the Sarmiento. Its like the only line to this people. If you want to say something about the trains, wouldnt you expand your horizons and tell the people how bad are other lines, since they already know -because of the accidents- how bad Sarmiento is?