Latest Dance Craze In Portland Oregon ? ... The Tango !

Does the Portland version involve plenty of facial hair and flannel shirts? On both dancers?
Portland, OR is home to one of the US' premier, real, Argentine Tango dance communities.

"Tango Berretin" (est. 2001) is the place to learn to dance there. It is owned by Alex Krebs, an American who:
-teaches group and private classes there, and worldwide;
-has danced before an Argentine president in BA;
-plays the bandoneon, has his own tango orchestra in Portland and has made 6 tango CDs
-has composed his own tango songs and music, and
-has danced for years with my private tango instructor of 6 years, Luciana Valle who created BA's first 'practica' and established with 2 other tangueras BA's "El Motivo" in Villa Malcolm on Av Cordoba.

The era in which one could guess which cities' or countries' people must be unworldly or hicks ended centuries ago.
No kidding, that's cool. Hope they have Salsa and Bachata too.
tango is also huge in Finland.