Latest on visa overstays?


Nov 3, 2009
Hi folks, it's been a couple of years since I've posted here. I hope no one holds that against me now that I'm asking for something :)

I have a friend who is here trying to start a business but he doesn't have a DNI yet. He has overstayed his tourist visa by a couple of months. It's been 16-17 years since I've had to deal with not having a DNI, and there have been so many changes in the last year to various things that I don't want to give my friend incorrect advice.

Is it still viable to go to Colonia, pay the fine on the way out, and come back in to renew the visa? I don't want him to leave on my advice, turn around to come back and find out he can't get back in.

Alternatively, I mentioned that maybe he should go to Migraciones to pay the fine and renew there, but he doesn't want to deal with the bureaucracy if he doesn't have to - which I don't blame him!

I appreciate any help on this.
If you already overstayed it'd be foolish to leave and come back, no point at all. The overstay fee is fixed no matter how long you overstay, whether it's 1 day or years. He can just stay here and leave when he's ready to go, no worries about the tourist visa expiration