Learning Spanish


Aug 9, 2013
hello everyone,
i am coming to buenos aires for min. 6 months. i desperately need to learn spanish. if anyone has a recommendation for an intense immersion course it would be greatly appreciated. but, it would have to be in almagro since i don't know my way around the city yet.
My spanish teacher is really really good. She is located in Recoleta, you can take bus down Calle Callao from Almagro with no problems. Recoleta is not an area to worry about getting lost in, its super easy. Use http://comollego.ba.gob.ar to figure out what buses to take there and back.

Her clases are super active, so you will learn to speak and understand Spanish quickly. She has a lifetime experience teaching languages around the world so she knows exactly what you need to know immediately and what can wait. She's also super friendly and has plenty of good advice about the city.

I highly recommend her, there are others on the forum who will agree. You can tailor classes to suit your needs, for example, you could go every day or once a month, whatever you need she will help you figure something out.

You can contact her on the below email.

[email protected]

All the best
thank you, thom. i will contact her shortly after i get down there. appreciate it.
I went to a school for 2 1/2 months - 20 hours a week to learn the grammar and then went with a private teacher once I had the basics in order to build on vocab and actually start talking rather than reciting verb endings- this worked really well for me but it depends on your learning style (and budget)
do not take recommendations for Spanish teacher here. Over priced. find yr own on the web.