Libertarians in Argentina?

steveinbsas said:
One of the reasons I don't like to call myself a Libertarian is that too many of them can't stand up straight.

I've been a "radical for capitalism" since I was in college (1968-1973).

In those days, however, most "radicals" advocated the burning of ROTC buildings and occupying others.

I attended a rally on the ISU campus the night after the Kent State shootings in 1970 (I was 19 at the time). One (SDS) speaker called for the burning of the local business district where I had just opened my first retail store.

Fortunately, cooler "heads" prevailed.

But the next month on campus was very dramatic, including the National Guard surrounding the flagpole on the quad to prevent local "construction workers" from raising the flag which had been lowered to half mast by order of the president of the university...and the Illinois Republican Caucus grilling the university president for his actions (resulting in his resignation)...aswell as the son of one of those Illinois lawmakers fleeing the campus in fear for his life.

Burn and loot doesn't do anyone any good. After all, someone must fix it and pay for it
elclandestino said:
Burn and loot doesn't do anyone any good. After all, someone must fix it and pay for it

These radicals don't think in terms of fixing or paying for anything.

They're just gonna "share the land they'll be giving away when we all live together" (The Guess Who).

The destruction of the capitalist system was the goal of the student "radicals" in the late '60s and early 70's. That's exactly what many of the OWS "protesters" desire today. Francis Fox Piven (a "radical" from the 60's) has been with them and gave them a voice (hers) from the start:
It is easier to find Martians living amongst us than people devoted to economic freedom.
The closest thing is a Von Mises organization located in Brazil, but I have not contacted them yet.
Last election showed a complete and absolute triumph of POPULISM. All the parties were pro big goverment, autoritarians, proteccionists, etc.
Years ago there was a distinguished person, Mr Alvaro Alsogaray, that proposed and executed successfull Austrian economic policies (in the late 60´s). He was visited by Von Mises here. He then created a political party (UCD), but in the heated and overcharged elections of 1973 only got 3% of the total vote.
During his term as Economic Minister, the Argentine peso received a world price for it estability. Never again, though.
I discoverd Von Mises on my own when I was an undergraduate economics major in college.

His works were not included in any of the 30 plus semester hours in economics require for graduation.

Expressing the views of Von Mises with which I agreed made getting my degree a bit more difficult as that meant telling more than half of my "left leaning" economics professors they were either in error or were being deliberately misleading.

Today it would probably mean telling that to all of them.
Exactly. Do not forget that it was him that first analysed the economic foundations of Marxism and, discovered that there were none!!! He then predicted the downfall of comunism,70 years before it hapened!!!
Also, nobody here knows Hayek, Bastiat, etc, only Adam Smith is mentioned once in while as a perhistoric dynosaur. Here Keynes is king, even if it is proven now that all his ideas failed miserably the test of time.
By the way, I met several Argies that studied economics in Harvard and other prestigious schools in the USA. I was surprised that what they proposed for our country was...Marxim!!!
Had they studied in Cuba it would be natural, but in Harvard???
elclandestino said:
As long as I don't make trouble, I kindly ask the gov't either to fuck off or simply don't mess with my affairs. Personal and business alike

Well that actually sounds a lot like libertarianism. ;)
elclandestino said:
I'm a leftist, pro-free education, pro-welfare, pro-free healthcare, yet I'm an entrepreneur (had my 1st business at 15). It does go well together. Look at Norway, Canada, New Zealand, Australia. They are socialist countries in many ways, yet got strong economies. Mind you, NZ has more liberal economy than the US does. Also, while the world cries in recession, their economies are booming

As long as I don't make trouble, I kindly ask the gov't either to fuck off or simply don't mess with my affairs. Personal and business alike

Telling the goverment to f-off or not mess with your affairs will (sooner or later) cause trouble in a leftist, pro-free education, pro-welfare, pro-free healthcare governemnt.

What gives you the right to be exempt from central control?

No economic system can give enough free stuff to everyone who wants it...forever.

Just look at OWS and what they are demanding.

And who do they expect to pay for it?

Greedy, profit seeking entrepreneurs like you...and me.

Word have meaning. If what you write about yourself is true, you are indeed an entrepreneur.

But you are clearly not a Libertarian.

You're a "liberal" business owner who wants to do whatever he personally wants to do, but wants the government to provide "free" services to others.

That can "work" only as long as there is enought wealth created by entrepreneurs (and those they employ) to pay for those services that others (who can't or won't pay for them) desire.

Eventually, there never is...and why should yours be exempt?
elclandestino said:
I'm a leftist, pro-free education, pro-welfare, pro-free healthcare, yet I'm an entrepreneur (had my 1st business at 15). It does go well together. Look at Norway, Canada, New Zealand, Australia. They are socialist countries in many ways, yet got strong economies. Mind you, NZ has more liberal economy than the US does. Also, while the world cries in recession, their economies are booming

As long as I don't make trouble, I kindly ask the gov't either to fuck off or simply don't mess with my affairs. Personal and business alike

Oh government programs but anti government intervention in your life. What the hell are you? Commi/Socialist/Tea Partier? You should run for president on that platform, everyone would love you!!! (or hate you)

RE-TARD-ED....please understand, that i'm being serious and no offense to those that are mentally challenged, but you are retarded.