Life after Skype

I think that sounds great depending on the frequency/length of your calls. For me Skype was great because it was unlimited SMS and calls to landlines/toll free numbers. My calls with my dad and relatives would put me at over $100 a month on that scheme, though, which I can't afford.

I hope someone truly comes up with a comparable service that also includes the 2 factor authentication texts I need to be able to receive. I've sorted through a lot of options and none seem to offer me the exact service Skype did for a price I can afford. I think Yolla might work while I'm trying to sort through all the options for something more long-term though. Thanks so much for listing it here for us!
I like Yolla so far
I have been using google voice for many years on my android devices. It gives you a phone number for text and voice that works wherever you are and can be used on an android phone, tablet or pc. It seems to be trusted by most institutions for third party authentication which is a real plus. Like skype you do need to have an internet connection to use it.
Free google voice is not available for sign-up outside the US. However, once signed up, you can use it for texting and calling while outside the US.