RWS said:From reading your posts, SS, I've a good opinion of your kindness and cheerfulness. But I wonder about your comment that "many niches for 'creative and outside the box thinkers' exist throughout" Argentina. Mightn't it be more accurate to write that, for those immigrants to Argentina who bring comparatively substantial wealth (say, perhaps, a hundred thousand dollars or more) to invest, more opportunity exists than for the poor Argentine who struggles to put a hundred thousand pesos together?
RWS, I think the key is to earn dollars and live on pesos. You don't have to be an expat to do so.
The niche I created isn't due to my buying property, it is providing a higher level of service. I have several Argie friends here that are doing well. One in particular is a mountain guide. He is booked 6 months out and leads tours in the mountains, at US$200/person and up. Not a bad way to enjoy Patagonia.
There is another guy I just meant that is a tour guide for groups. He has the fascinating history of the whole country down in 3 languages. He travels the ountry with big groups and works as their translater and guide.
If someone started distrubuting beer from Patagonia to the rest of the country, that would be a no brainer. There are more than 20 microbrews within 100 km of Bariloche and the rest of the country is drinking Quilmes and Andes.
As I stated, I believe there are many opportunities, many of which involve little to no start up costs.
Be the ball, Danny!