Limit On Carrying Cash Out Of Argentina?


Jan 30, 2010
Does anyone know for sure under the current rules how many dollars in cash an Argentine (not a tourist or expat) can carry out of the country? I am not talking about acquiring dollars, only about taking them out through Ezeiza. I looked at the AFIP website, and I think it says that you don't have to report up to $10,000 (US) but the info seemed to be from 2009, and thus of doubtful reliability. Thanks for your help.
Does anyone know for sure under the current rules how many dollars in cash an Argentine (not a tourist or expat) can carry out of the country? I am not talking about acquiring dollars, only about taking them out through Ezeiza. I looked at the AFIP website, and I think it says that you don't have to report up to $10,000 (US) but the info seemed to be from 2009, and thus of doubtful reliability. Thanks for your help.

Still the same case no problems up until $US10,000
What about carrying $10,000 Dollars into Argentina? Does that not raise any red flags?
u can take as much as you want if you declare it. legally 10,000 usd and under does not have to be declared. if you are stopped with a lot of USD's as an argentine you may have to show where that came from, but that would be very unusual. (but not impossible)
Hi everyone!

I was just looking for similar informations!

So I could get in or get out of the country through ezeiza without declaring anything if its less than 10.000 US$?
What if I want go out of the country with the equivalent in peso? let's say 45.000 pesos?

I ve read in the Afip Website than you could get in or get out with less than 10.000 US$ or its equivalent in other currencies but I m just worried about the volume this amount would represent in pesos. If they search me a minimum they will find it I guess... And there come my biggest fear:

The man telling me "yeah lets go count that on our office" and then loosing everything or a big part because they might say I had only 5.000pesos and the rest just vanished into thin air....

Anyone already tried this? Any information about that possibility would be greatly welcomed! Or any way to do it in a safer way...

Tks a lot! Cheers
Why would you want to take pesos out of the country :confused: They have no real value outside of Argentina and few places will accept them and none that I know of at the official rate.
My advice would be not to take any pesos out of the country unless you've already found a place where you know for certain you can exchange it and at an okay rate. Pesos outside of Argentina generally aren't worth much at all.
Yeah that's the thing! I've actually found a way to sell it abroad at the official rate... So the travel expenses would lower the benefit but I would still make decent money out of it...
Yeah that's the thing! I've actually found a way to sell it abroad at the official rate... So the travel expenses would lower the benefit but I would still make decent money out of it...

Aha, so you are trying to become a day currency broker.?
If travel expenses lowers your grand yield then take more Argie Pesos out with you!
How do you sell pesos abroad at the official rate? I was in Costa Rica recently and the casa de cambio laughed at me when I tried to sell them pesos from Argentina.