Loctite ?


May 3, 2011
Does anybody out there know where I could pick up a bottle of loctite? (I mean the stuff that you can use to stop screws from getting loose - but that you can still undo the screws later on if you want to...) Hoping somebody can help. If I can find some here it will be good - then all I will have to do is remember what I needed it for in the first place. Maybe old age is catching up with me. Anyway, thanks in advance :)
The best hardware store I have found, in my neighborhood, is on either Araoz or Alvarez, just a half block off Sante Fe. Very small storefront, all tools and fasteners, no light bulbs or coathangers.
They most likely have it- they have a lot of "real" stuff you cant get at Easy or most ferreterias, things like taps and dies, complete sets of whitworth wrenches, or sheet metal punches.

But the other place to look is a decent motorcycle parts store- motorcycle mechanics all use loctite, as parts fall off in the street otherwise.

and, of course, its on mercado libre-
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Thanks for that guys - will head out later today and try my luck :)