Long stay in Argentina


Aug 17, 2012
Me and my girlfriend are heading for BA and a long stay in Argentina. Any suggestions how we can help stretch our money with casual labour, etc?
we are in our mid-20's, and speak a little Spanish.
As a scouser maybe a little pickpocketing could be the answer...hehe..only joking mate...apart from that,join the casual que.
Scouser said:
Me and my girlfriend are heading for BA and a long stay in Argentina. Any suggestions how we can help stretch our money with casual labour, etc?
we are in our mid-20's, and speak a little Spanish.

Casual labor is done by the poor who work for 3-5 pesos/hour in horrible conditions. Do you want to work for 60 pence per hour?

If you have any technical/programming/sales skills, etc you might be able to find something that pays a living wage but casual labor won't get you far here.

I would look there. I have people asking me about learning English. Some people are simply looking for someone to chat with for practice for a couple hours a day. I think teaching English is typically around 50 pesos an hour for a private lesson. However, it might be hard to fill all your hours. Most people come here and offer skills they already learned at home - building furniture, web designs, housework, whatever. Lots of people seem to post on here that they're looking for someone reliable to clean if you just want something you can pick up weekly. You can also just drop your resume off at cafes, a housemate of mine did that when looking for work. Or you can offer to teach group classes in things you enjoy yourself. Some people throw socializing events or cater. Some people do lifestyle offerings or health things. It really is up to you. If you can think it up and are ok at socializing, you can make it happen. Goodluck!
as you see lah there ain't much 'umour around,so bring a big bagful with you.hope you aren't a red devil!!
mrporoto said:
as you see lah there ain't much 'umour around,so bring a big bagful with you.hope you aren't a red devil!!

To call a Liverpool (or Everton or even Tranmere) supporter a Red Devil i.e a Manc is about as insulting as you can get. That is from a Chelsea boy.

I really cant work out whether by taking the trouble to post that comment that is an attempt at humour or is it just gratuitously superfluous either way its totally bizarre :D