Looking for a job as an English teacher

A lady neighbour teaches English in person for $6000 pesos
The only way to survive as a teacher is to find a position in a bilingual school teaching a subject (not English as a Second Language). You will get a 13 month salary, paid holidays, health insurance and if you are hired from overseas (normally the UK) free housing. Of course visa sponsorship. Otherwise the most you can hope for are a low paid classes here and there.
As a reference, a Frappuccino is 7600 ARS at Starbuck's.
$7600 is more than I pay (on average) for everything I eat and drink on a daily basis...

....and I eat 400-600 grams of roast beef and/or pork chops and at least nine eggs every day...plus as much bottled water and coffee as I desire, never eating in resturants.

As another reference, my closest neighbor (35 years) recently made the comment that it costs $20.000 pesos per day to feed is family (two adults and two children), never eating in resturants

I am planning to move to Buenos Aires (possible Cordoba) with my family in the next 3-6 months and am seeking a job as an English language teacher. I have CELTA, a BA honours degree and some teaching experience. I also speak a little Spanish. I've applied with some of the more well known language institutions but was wondering if this community had any advice or knew of any available positions ?

Muchas gracias, Beth.

If you want to teach English you are better off doing so online, there are some platforms that connect native English speakers with Chinese students looking for additional tutoring, the pay is decent from what I hear, certainly much better than what you would earn in Argentina doing the same.

To live in Argentina you can simply overstay a tourist visa and pay a small fee when you want to leave.
My kids go to a bilingual school in Buenos Aires (Palermo), I can ask if they are looking for a teacher. Salary will be local (ie, not great).