Looking for a Real Estate Agent


Mar 10, 2012
Hi everyone. Are there any Argentine Real Estate Agents on this site? Or, can you recommend a great local agent to me?

Requirement; have a bank account outside Argentina.


What area are you looking ? It seems that many specialize in a specific area. Reynolds is the largest.
GS_Dirtboy said:
Hi everyone.

Requirement; have a bank account outside Argentina.


I'm not sure why you are asking for this but it sounds as if you want to transfer funds to their account at the closing.

I do NOT recommend that. Make sure you bring your funds in legally to purchase a property and that it's all documented. (Unless of course you have a DNI and are a permanent resident). Because as a non-resident foreigner, you will have to apply for a permit to sell your property from AFIP and they are asking to see how you brought in the funds.

So best to do everything legally in the white.
[/QUOTE] Because as a non-resident foreigner, you will have to apply for a permit to sell your property from AFIP and they are asking to see how you brought in the funds.

So best to do everything legally in the white.[/QUOTE]

What if you are a legal resident with DNI (but not paying taxes because of various legal reasons) and have no intentions of selling after buying the property for at least 10-15 years.

Whats the best way to bring in the money?
Ceviche said:
What if you are a legal resident with DNI (but not paying taxes because of various legal reasons) and have no intentions of selling after buying the property for at least 10-15 years.

Whats the best way to bring in the money?

If this is the case, do what the locals do and just use one of the many private exchange houses. Most of them if you have a relationship now are charging 0% commission to send funds in.

Of course it takes trust because as the sender you obviously don't want to take a risk and probably don't know anyone. You have to wire the funds first and then a few days later once it hits, you go to their office to pick up the cash.

But just be very careful who you use. (Please don't ask me as I don't refer out to the one I use and they aren't taking on new clients) but these aren't too hard to find. Just ask your trusted local friends. All the locals that have cash there use them.

That would be the best way to send in and completely free in the scenario you described.

I believe I read in another post you said you were constantly entering Argentina due to work. Just save your passport(s) and in case later they change the law or something you are still protected if they ask where the source of the funds were how you got it to Argentina.

You can legally bring up to $10,000 US each time you enter. So each entry stamp in your passport buys you $10,000 in "cash". So that would be justifiable cash in the future if anyone ever asks.

Also, the laws could always change later. Who knows. But for now, locals with a DNI don't have to do anything special when they sell. Heck, many haven't even been paying their annual asset taxes each year.

I suspect there will come a day when the government forces Escribanos to make sure that the owner (even if they have a DNI) has paid the annual asset tax on the property. So far the only thing the Escribanos check for the locals is if they are up to date on their ABL bills.

But Argentina could collect a HUGE windfall if they made all locals pay their fair share of the asset taxes on the apartments each year like they do with foreigners.
To discuss the trransfer of money with a pro , I suggest you contact Juan Sebastian Emiliani at FDI. They have offices on Junin right above Reynolds Prop. Reynolds refers its clients to FDI to bring in $ legally.
Tel.: 0810-777-5000 (+5411 4806-6664)
Junín 1655, 4to piso
Cdad. de Buenos Aires - C1113AAQ - Argentina
[email protected]
As long as the "pro" isn't going to charge you any fee to bring in the funds, definitely I'd say talk to them.

I'd use companies that have been around a long time in Buenos Aires. And I'd also make sure you are using places that are totally free now. With the big imbalance of the markets, no one should be charging to SEND in funds. Heck, some places were even rebating back a % a few weeks ago.
Everything is in white. The area would be Recoleta and / or Palermo. Thanks!
GS_Dirtboy said:
Everything is in white. The area would be Recoleta and / or Palermo. Thanks!

If everything is in "white" then you won't be able to wire the funds to the real estate agent's account abroad. If you did that, that would make this deal "black". Just so you know.