I am looking for a native, TEFL or CELTA certified, experienced and responsible English teacher here through December who would be interested in the following:
When? 9:30 to 1:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays starting April 10th
Where? in-company classes near Tribunales (Libertad y Córdoba)
Who? 4 one-hour group classes - Elem, Pre Elem, Intermediate, and Upper Intermediate (knowledge of Spanish is very helpful and preferred for the lower levels)
How much? $40 pesos per hour
All students will be following a book and the teaching material is provided. You should be able to take a CD player, laptop, MP3, etc in order to do listening exercises.
If interested, please send your résumé to allison "at" globaldialects "dot" com "dot" ar.
Thank you!
When? 9:30 to 1:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays starting April 10th
Where? in-company classes near Tribunales (Libertad y Córdoba)
Who? 4 one-hour group classes - Elem, Pre Elem, Intermediate, and Upper Intermediate (knowledge of Spanish is very helpful and preferred for the lower levels)
How much? $40 pesos per hour
All students will be following a book and the teaching material is provided. You should be able to take a CD player, laptop, MP3, etc in order to do listening exercises.
If interested, please send your résumé to allison "at" globaldialects "dot" com "dot" ar.
Thank you!