Looking For Kid's Books In English

Walrus Books in San Telmo has a kid's section and the books are a lot cheaper than Kel's because most are used. Good luck!
Books? For Children? In 2013? Really?

What a curious concept!!!!

Who needs the ancient wisdom of the great Greek sages from Heraclitus to Diogenes -- when we have talking heads on TV instead?
Who needs the detailed study of the Punic Wars or Caesar's Conquest of Gaul -- when you can just play Candy Crush instead?
Who needs to understand the writings of Seneca in the original Latin -- when you can just talk like a che boludo instead?
Who needs the humor and look into the soul of Aristophanes' theater -- when we can watch a Hollywood Blockbuster instead?
Who needs the focused, diligent study of ancient texts -- when we can just read the cliff notes on the iPad instead?
Who needs to see human nature, warts and all, through these outside eyes -- when we can reload our Facebook timeline instead?

You, sir, have quite a view of education, wanting to use this device called a "book" -- how odd! -- doesn't everyone live on the iPad with two-millisecond-attention-spans these days?

(PS: LaCoqueta, I know you've missed my ramblings hahahahaha)