Lost in a date :-S

Men are men the world round, they want sex on the 1st date and they will do whatever they can think of to try and get it. They will also do this on the 2nd, 3rd, 4th...dates as well. The question is if you want sex on the 1st date or the 2nd...if so then by all means do it, just be safe. If you want to know someone better and the guy is insistent and won't wait, then he's not the guy for you, end of story, doesn't matter where he's from or where he lives.

I agree with citygirl, most sex when you know someone a bit is much better, and waiting doesn't make you a teenager it makes you older and wiser, who wants to have crappy sex with some guy a few times cause he can't wait ;)
37 years ago I was a travelling salesman, and my job took me for a few days to Salta. One afternoon, I saw this gorgeous young lady at a confiteria and I made my move. After a while, I invited her and her friend to dinner. After dinner, all is got was a kiss but the prize was huge so I decided to remain calm.
The same happened twice more. Maybe the third time I got some necking, but nothing to boast about to my friends. So, being the smart kid I was, I drew up a plan. I bought a gift for her and left it in my hotel room. When we were out, I mentioned it to her and so she came to the hotel with me. After some prodding I was able to persuade her to come up to the room to get the gift. Believe or not, I still struck out.
I am, above all, a persistent man. After a few more dates, and not getting anywhere, I asked her: “what will it take to get you in bed?” Her reply? Marry me. Being a pretty practical guy, I whispered, “will you marry me?” And she said yes!
She called her mom with the great news and the old lady took the first train from Bolivia to Salta to get her daughter, who was only 18 at the time. Her mom said, if you want to marry my daughter, it will have to be in Bolivia. She assumed that was enough to get rid of me.
My love went back to Bolivia and I went back to Bs. As. I arranged my affairs, and a few weeks later I took a plane to Santa Cruz de la Sierra. They were all surprised to see me there, except my love.
On arrival, the first thing I did was run to the local church and ask the priest to marry us. Unbelievable, the jerk (excuse my language) said he could not marry us until he announced the wedding for three weeks, during Sunday mass. I remember telling the priest that nobody knew me in that town, so it was impossible that anyone would object, and furthermore, I only had so much vacation, and he should not ruin it for me. He never budged.
I am not only persistent, but resourceful too. Off I took my bride to the local whatever, where they marry people in civilian weddings, to make it legal under the state rules. We were finally MARRIED and now I could make my move. I hit a stone wall AGAIN. According to my wife, we were not married yet. “What do you mean we are not married?” My argument did not get me anywhere. So, I had to wait three weeks and suffer a horrible diarrhea in the meantime. If you have ever been to a tropical area in the early 70s you know what that’s all about.
We finally got married and from the church we went straight to the airport to catch a plane back to BA. I was so broke, I had to start a collection at the airport to be able to pay the exit fee. However, I was finally married but still had been unable to close the deal!!! Can you believe that?
I must confess that once we arrived in BA she finally gave in. We have now been married for over 37 years, raised four wonderful children, and in all these years of marriage she has never once had a headache! Sometimes when the kids were small she might not show much interest, but she never refused me. In fact, yesterday morning I mentioned to her that I would like to make out with her at night, and would she get sexy. She said “I have something special that you will like a lot.” All day I could not stop thinking of what it might be, and I was dying to call her throughout the day to find out what it was, but I knew I would be wasting my time.
One my way home I called her to let her know that she could get ready for me. My luck! She said I would have to wait because the plumber was there (no pun intended). So, we had dinner and then she got ready.
Sex last night was extraordinary.
In conclusion, to the lady that started this post, I want to let her know that she should do what she feels is right, and not what others may advice her.
Good luck
It depends what you want from this Argie with whom you're going on the first date. As many local women here say, "puta" is the first word in the Spanish dictionary. Of course he'll try to get you into bed the first night, then he'll consider you to be a "puta". The Argentinean women keep their men (and I hate to say this) by being hysterical. Acting seductive but not putting out unless they get something in return. The men complain about this, yet the continue to chase Argentinean women. I think it's an immature game, but that's the name of the tune these days in Buenos Aires.
Napoleon said:

At least when on dates with extranjeros.

I can't advise for dates with Argies, but for dates with foreigners...

1st Date = Crazy Monkey Sex (No less than 2 hours)

2nd Date = 1 hour massage, Crazy Monkey Sex for 1 hour, Doing his laundry, Making a sandwich, 1 hour of slow, caring sex, 30 minute break so you can clean the dishes, 30 minutes of sex, followed by showers and then a 4 hour nap... then whatever he wants until the sun comes up.

All-in-all, it's really pretty standard.

PM me for my number. ;)

hahahahaha ... hilarious! :p
My experience:

first date: talking, touching, maybe a kiss at the despedida
Second date: Talking, making out
Third date: Definitly sex or there won't be a fourth date
Hmmm as Philip pointed out it's an old thread so I probably shouldn't bother, but how can there be any advice except for this advice:

When YOUR body wants it, go for it!

Actually, that's not right. More like: When YOUR body wants it, start thinking about it! Hold off a little bit longer, because it's true, it will only make it better once you finally give in and a little delayed-satisfaction usually doesn't do any harm.

I think it also might not be bad advice to cook for a man before sleeping with him... hmmm...