Lunch on October 5th


Sep 28, 2010
We are meeting at Don Chicho, Jujuy 136, Once, close to Plaza Once (also called Plaza Miserere). There are many buses heading there, plus the subway line A.

Avenida Jujuy starts at Avenida Rivadavia.

I need to make a reservation, so try to comfirm if you are attending.

See you there,


P?D: A friend of mine wrote this review:
The best find of this week was the restaurant Don Chicho (Jujuy 136, Once)....Now that so much of the cattle breeding stock have been slaughtered due to the long war between the government and the farmers over export tax increases, and now that much of the pasture land has been converted to soy bean production making feed lot beef be the norm, most of the steaks I find now have been expensive and flavorless (kinda like the steak in the USof A). For 20 pesos at Don Chichos, I got a huge steak with that nice yellow fat and great flavor that cries "range fed!" covering one dinner plate, and a second dinner plate of fries with two fried eggs on top...(I know, I will have to eat salads for days to balance out this meal)! And on top of the fantastic food, this place had the great old waiters, and pride of place that I remember as the best part of the traditional Argentina Parrilla.
Hi, I am not sure if it is too late to add one more person, but I would like to join.

My name is Valeria and I just move to BA 2 weeks ago. I am from Russia, but I have been living in the US for a number of years.

I would love to meet new people and develop some friendship in this town. Please let me know if I can come.

Thank you!
Hi Roxana,

I hope you are well, please could you add me also for the lunch. Also if you could re - send me your last email which had all sorts of helpful details as I accidentally deleted it.

Thank you for that and I look forward to seeing you again tomorrow . . .

Hi, Valeria and Andrea, you are added to the list!