Mac Book Pro Gets Pushed Off Wifi Every 3 Minutes, Advice?


Aug 7, 2012
I am a PC person but we recently got a mac book pro. For some reason, it gets onto the wifi and then a minute later says "searching for red" (buscando red) then gets back on, that back off, etc. Of course, this makes even sending email nearly impossible.

Any suggestions?

All other computers (PC notebook, a really old mac desktop which I have been told in Europe can be sold as an "antique") work fine and have no probelm connecting to the wi fi.

--yes, we called Mac Daddy and he came about three weeks ago, but this wasn´t a problem when he came and he is not in BsAs at the moment.
it doesnt sound like the same issue i had, but in my last apartment, whenever the internet was disconnected (for example, if i closed my macbook and reopened it and it tried to reconnect to the internet), it would not connect. I went into network preferences, and used the "assist me" to reconnect. I had to do this every time i closed my computer, which resulted in me never closing my computer.

Point is, maybe you can try connecting this way? it fixed a different problem than what you are experiencing, but worth a shot??
check Apple forums