At the risk of raining on the parade I want to express a few concerns:
Macri must show that the rule of law matters, not only judicial security (important to investors) but the right of people to live without fear of crime, to live without constant and unreasonable protests etc. Macri has to stand firm and not cower like Fernando de la Rúa but he must:
Do something serious to alleviate poverty and imporove the lives of the poor. Cristina bought votes with endless "subsidies" that did no more than crerate stopgap measures. Macri needs to find ways to train people for jobs. The government must give people the means to improve their lives in a lasting way. Public works projects might help in this respect but whatever he does, Macri cannot ignore the interests of the majority of the population.
Support the middle class. Endless tax hikes erode the middle class. The middle class needs to grow, not contract. Reducing taxes on agricultural exports is fine if it benefits the society as a whole, not if it is just a boon for a small sector of wealthy landowners. The middle class is a lot larger and needs relief too. Macri needs to remember this if he wants to succeed and stay in office.
My fear is that the economic elite of the country see the Macri victory as a huge success and will lose sight of the fact that it was a narrow victory and one only made possible by the deperation of enough people to cause them to vote for someone whom many Argentines view as an uncaring neoliberal interested only in the advancement of corporations and investors. Macri must avoid this trap. He can do so only by demonstrating that he has a vision and a plan that will help everyone. In this way he will show that he truly loves every citizen as he stated repeatedly on the balcony of the Casa Rosada.
Argentina is at a crossroads. I am convinced that this is a last chance to change course. Mauricio Macri faces many challenges. Does he have the will to do what is right or will he favor a small sector of the nation?
Macri must show that the rule of law matters, not only judicial security (important to investors) but the right of people to live without fear of crime, to live without constant and unreasonable protests etc. Macri has to stand firm and not cower like Fernando de la Rúa but he must:
Do something serious to alleviate poverty and imporove the lives of the poor. Cristina bought votes with endless "subsidies" that did no more than crerate stopgap measures. Macri needs to find ways to train people for jobs. The government must give people the means to improve their lives in a lasting way. Public works projects might help in this respect but whatever he does, Macri cannot ignore the interests of the majority of the population.
Support the middle class. Endless tax hikes erode the middle class. The middle class needs to grow, not contract. Reducing taxes on agricultural exports is fine if it benefits the society as a whole, not if it is just a boon for a small sector of wealthy landowners. The middle class is a lot larger and needs relief too. Macri needs to remember this if he wants to succeed and stay in office.
My fear is that the economic elite of the country see the Macri victory as a huge success and will lose sight of the fact that it was a narrow victory and one only made possible by the deperation of enough people to cause them to vote for someone whom many Argentines view as an uncaring neoliberal interested only in the advancement of corporations and investors. Macri must avoid this trap. He can do so only by demonstrating that he has a vision and a plan that will help everyone. In this way he will show that he truly loves every citizen as he stated repeatedly on the balcony of the Casa Rosada.
Argentina is at a crossroads. I am convinced that this is a last chance to change course. Mauricio Macri faces many challenges. Does he have the will to do what is right or will he favor a small sector of the nation?