Magical Sunset Sailing On Rio De La Plata


Sep 26, 2013
Hi friends.

Last week, the small sailing company I'd contacted notified me that Saturday would be perfect sailing weather. So I cleared my schedule and invited a good Porteña friend for a private sailing expedition on Rio de la Plata with

I had been stressed out by working until late at night with no days off for an entire month. This 3.5-hour sailing trip was just what I needed. It gave me such peace!

The experience was heavenly. The boat is all wood, and the navigation occurred entirely by the skipper's expert handling of sail and rudder. Motor was used only to pull out of and later into the docking spot.

It was so beautiful to sail out to the wide part of the river and see Buenos Aires shrinking into the distance, and an enormous sky putting on a light show as the sun set and the moon rose. When we finally docked after 9pm, no one wanted to get off the boat. We sat in peaceful conversation, still bobbing softly on the water.

The crew of two is not only competent "at sea", but also highly intelligent, warm, cultured, . . . and multilingual. The skipper is Argentino and his companion is German, though I'd describe her as "international". Our conversation was intimate and stimulating, to the point that I later invited the couple to join me soon at a my favorite Sunday night jazz jam session. These sailors are people I want to get to know better!

I will definitely return for future sailing tours, and next time I bring friends, I'll request their on-board asado - guaranteed-safe barbecuing on a wooden boat in the middle of the river!

I highly recommend the experience to my BAExpat friends. If you're looking for something romantic to do, or a grand gracious gesture for guests, or if you deserve to indulge yourself in some extra pleasure, contact my new friends at http://riodelaplata....m/sailingtours.
Sounds wonderful Helaine.
Any idea of the size of the boat and her rigging?
Oddly enough I could not find any pictures of the boat in their website.
Neither could I, which is why I was asking.
I used to own a 35 ft Nicholson built in 1956 and am curious.
Sounds wonderful Helaine.
Any idea of the size of the boat and her rigging?

[font=Helvetica Neue'][background=rgb(255, 255, 255)]I don't know the specs. It is a smallish boat that comfortably hosts 4 people.
The experience was wonderful. For technical details, you can contact the owners through their website.[/background]
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