Mail Delivery Problems

Monthly bank statements that have "air mail" clearly stamped on the envelope and elevated postage paid are arriving 6 WEEKS from the date they're sent. (US To BsAs ). Consistently. Even LOCAL credit card bills arrive to to three days before they're due. This seems to be a widely accepted practice. I have tried to avoid any paper mail, but some companies INSIST on paper only correspondence and won't accept email as a notification nor give you information that way. It's such a con game when you see how much money they earn from late fees or missed payment fees for things you weren't even aware of (because they won't notify you electronically). By the time you receive paper notification of a necessary payment your late fee has late fees! And then the worst of all--they have no problem CALLING ME (from A call center in India to me here in Buenos Aires) WHEN THEY WANT TO SELL ME SOMETHING, but when I need to contact them by telephone I enter an automated hell that seems to never end. When I finally, if ever get to a human voice, invariably the call gets dropped. Oh, and I'm informed that they are not allowed to call me back. ALWAYS try and avoid paper mail. Request going "paperless". Scan documents. Fax documents. I will never do business in the future with a company that doesn't allow paperless statements and communication by email. It's a recipe for extreme frustration and considerable financial loss!