Maybe moving to BsAs soon!


Sep 7, 2010
hello everyone!

I have been lurking for a few months because i had been planning on moving to Buenos Aires in the summer of 2013. However, recently i was approached by a friend with a work/housing offer that would allow me to move as early as THIS summer. (basically I would be managing a tango house in exchange for housing). I dance tango so this seems like an almost perfect arrangement to me...

I am seriously considering taking this offer and now need to do some more serious research. My first question ( of many to come) how much to do estimate I would need to make US$ a month for living expenses if i did not have to factor in housing. I was there 2 years ago and I have heard that the cost of living has gone up quite a bit since then. As far as my living expenses I would like to be able eat out occasionally and dance tango often and travel some.

Any thoughts?
If you don't have to pay for housing I would say you should be okay with about $1500 U$D per month. Less than that you can certainly SURVIVE, but you won't be eating out much, a half-way decent dinner with 1 drink can be had for 20 U$D and travelling will be limited to around the city and the suburbs. Put it this way a flight to Córdoba, Mendoza or Bariloche these days is around $1500 pesos ($350 U$D) round trip and that is WITH a DNI, if you are not a legal resident the price is about 25% higher.
I agree with Davidglen, US$1500 NOW should see you through (if rent is covered). I assume you mean this summer as the current summer. Inflation is atleast 2% per month so as a guide I would adjust your budget to reflect that.

Just a question, does this arrangement you have been offered also include utilities? If not, I would allow for that also as although historically extremely cheap, subsidies have just been removed for residents of Palermo, Recoleta & Belgrano and in some cases prices will increase 400%.

David is correct that tourist prices for domestic flights are 25% higher. Having said that, if you search this forum and perhaps use google, you find some suggestions as to potential loopholes in this system and being able to travel at the local prices.