Me /(Chronic Fatigue Syndrome)/fibromyalgia - Must Read !


Jul 7, 2006
If you know some one with ME (formerly "Chronic Fatigue Syndrome") or Fibromyalgia,
please tell them that they may well go into remission while near Iguazu Falls -
the world´s largest falls, at the Argentine/Brazilian border.

I´m not positive whether it´d work for people with Fibromyalgia. A lot of treatments
work for both ME /CFS and Fibro. In fact, it´s not guaranteed that all people
with ME / CFS will go into remission near Iguazu Falls.

I do know that an intelligent young woman told me she went into remission when
she stayed at the Sheraton (closest hotel to the falls) and toured the falls.

I have ME / CFS so I went up to the falls themselves. I didn´t go into
remission. I then crossed to the Brazilian border city of Iguazu and
went into remission for the duration of my stay !

My guess is that being close to the world´s largest hydro electric dam
was what made me go into remission. Otherwise, I´d only went into remission
when close to tropical seas. Believe me, suddenly not having ME / CFS
symptoms isn´t something a person could just imagine !

If you tell doctors, they´ll likely scoff at the idea of a location effect on the illness, but
I´ve heard from many patients who´ve experienced it.
I don't understand why the Argentine side of the falls had no effect. Or am I misunderstanding something?
The area on the Argentine side, around the Hotel Sheraton, plus the falls on both sides of the
border, caused one woman I know to go into remission while she was there. However, none of
those places worked for me. I had to go a few km. further into Brazil, into the city of Iguazu,
before I went into remission.

The only thing unusual about that area where I was well was that it had the world´s largest hydro-electric
dam. Some one told me that acted as a large magnet, and he also felt that might be the reason why
so many ME and Fibro people go into remission while close to the equator. I´m not educated enough to
do more than report my observations, and those from my online group of 10 years which studies the
location effect.

I don't understand why the Argentine side of the falls had no effect. Or am I misunderstanding something?
I should add that perhaps the woman reacts more strongly than I to whatever it is that makes
ME people go into remission when in certain areas. Perhaps she didn´t have to go as close to
the dam or whatever caused us to go into remission.

I don't understand why the Argentine side of the falls had no effect. Or am I misunderstanding something?
True, many patients will scoff too, even without visiting these locations. ME doctors, researchers, organizations for years have avoided discussing the location effect. It´s only in the last few months that the departing head of the major ME group in the US, Kim McCleary of CAA, told me the location effect should be looked into. Similarly, it´s only in the last month that Dr. Richie Shoemaker´s research has come out about the effect of mould and ME.

My main point is that if you know of an ME or Fibro patient who can go to the Iguazu area, even for a few days, I think they abolutely might find they can live there and lead a more or less normal life again. There´s no guarantee, but there aren´t many alternatives at all for them. If they wait for doctors to find a medical treatment to cure them, they might never be well again.

Not just doctors...
Maybe getting out the city into some fresh natural air helps the body as well. People used to go to the Alps to be cured - like in Heidi. :) Mountain air is good for you.