Michelle Obama's Spanish vacation draws critics


Jan 2, 2009
not exactly the image the first family should be portraying right now to american people - especially after so much talk about personal sacrifice and repeated attempts to make themselves appear as common folk.


some excerpts:

As the president preaches frugality in lean economic times, his wife and youngest daughter are vacationing at a luxury resort outside Marbella. Officials say the Obamas will pay for personal expenses.

Michelle Obama is staying at the Hotel Villa Padierna, a Ritz-Carlton resort in the mountains outside Marbella. The resort boasts two golf courses, a posh spa with Turkish baths, views of the Mediterranean Sea and a high-end restaurant specializing in avant-garde fare. Room rates start at $400 and rise to $6,500 for a two-bedroom villa with a private pool and 24-hour butler service.

Though her friends arrived in Spain on their own, Michelle and Sasha Obama flew in on a type of aircraft that is also used by Vice President Joe Biden. It costs the government $11,555 an hour to operate the plane, according to the Air Force. Assuming a nearly eight-hour flight to nearby Malaga, the total round-trip cost of the flight is about $178,000.

The Obama family will reimburse the government an amount equal to two first-class tickets, Air Force officials said. A round-trip first-class flight to Malaga costs about $7,400, without discounts or restrictions.

After the first lady returns home, she and her family will soon head out for another vacation. They will travel to the Gulf Coast for the weekend of Aug. 14, followed by a 10-day vacation on Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts.
You wish that you were The First Lady of the United States of America????? Don't Hate!
redrum said:
not exactly the image the first family should be portraying right now to american people - especially after so much talk about personal sacrifice and repeated attempts to make themselves appear as common folk.


some excerpts:

As the president preaches frugality in lean economic times, his wife and youngest daughter are vacationing at a luxury resort outside Marbella. Officials say the Obamas will pay for personal expenses.

Michelle Obama is staying at the Hotel Villa Padierna, a Ritz-Carlton resort in the mountains outside Marbella. The resort boasts two golf courses, a posh spa with Turkish baths, views of the Mediterranean Sea and a high-end restaurant specializing in avant-garde fare. Room rates start at $400 and rise to $6,500 for a two-bedroom villa with a private pool and 24-hour butler service.

Though her friends arrived in Spain on their own, Michelle and Sasha Obama flew in on a type of aircraft that is also used by Vice President Joe Biden. It costs the government $11,555 an hour to operate the plane, according to the Air Force. Assuming a nearly eight-hour flight to nearby Malaga, the total round-trip cost of the flight is about $178,000.

The Obama family will reimburse the government an amount equal to two first-class tickets, Air Force officials said. A round-trip first-class flight to Malaga costs about $7,400, without discounts or restrictions.

After the first lady returns home, she and her family will soon head out for another vacation. They will travel to the Gulf Coast for the weekend of Aug. 14, followed by a 10-day vacation on Martha's Vineyard off the coast of Massachusetts.

Every president deserves a vacation, especially a president with two young daughters. If you're going to find a reason to dislike him can you please find something better than that, and from a less biased source at that. It's well known the LA times is a right-leaning newspaper. Thanks.
redrum said:
not exactly the image the first family should be portraying right now to american people - especially after so much talk about personal sacrifice and repeated attempts to make themselves appear as common folk.

I don't know how strongly you feel about this "image they shouldn't be portraying" so I won't direct my comment at you, Redrum. What I will say is that anybody who has anything to say about vacations this president takes apparently has no memory of the bi-monthly ranch visits the last "president" took, say, when deciding to carpet bomb other countries.

The last person to sit in the White House brought so much shame and disgrace on the US (not an easy thing to do considering its anything-but-human rights record) that any comparison to what vacation the president now takes is a joke, an insult and a slap in the face.
LAtoBA said:
Every president deserves a vacation, especially a president with two young daughters. If you're going to find a reason to dislike him can you please find something better than that, and from a less biased source at that. It's well known the LA times is a right-leaning newspaper. Thanks.

sounds like you're a bit overly defensive about any obama criticism. It’s time to start being objective.

first off, the president was not there. It was his wife and one of their daughters.

Nobody is saying they do not deserve a vacation. However I think a little bit of tact could have been used before embarking on an extravagant foreign trip. We don’t know what the total cost of taxpayer money was/will be used to help pay for the trip however whatever the amount, I hardly think now is the right time to be setting this kind of example.

Second, i don't "need" to find anything "better" to focus criticism about anybody. i'm entitled to make a post or a comment about anything i like so long as it is sincere and without malice. The fact that you took the time to actually respond is proof enough that the thread did its job.

But since you seem to feel the LA Times is such a biased paper, here you go with another article. I suppose you’ll say the UK Daily Mail also has it in for the obamas.

Spanish police close public beach for Michelle Obama's £250,000 Spanish holiday


some excerpts:

Spanish police cleared off a stretch of beach at the Villa Padierna Hotel in Marbella after the Obamas had finished a busy day of sightseeing

Police used palm trees and police tape to mark off the boundaries of a 100-yard expanse for the American delegation. On either side, onlookers gawked - and police occasionally stopped and searched sun lovers if they strayed too close to the private party.

Whether or not the taxpaying American will be paying for meals, they will definitely be footing the bill for the First Lady's 68-strong security detail, her personal staff - and the use of presidential jet Air Force Two.

The per diems for the secret service team runs at around £172 each, which amounts to nearly £60,000 for the length of the summer break. Use of Air Force Two, the Air Force version of a 757, comes in at £91,900 for the round trip. This does not include time on the ground.

Back in the U.S., anger was mounting - especially as it has emerged the First Lady will have enjoyed eight holidays by the end of the summer. These include a trip to Los Angeles in June, a visit to the Florida's oil-hit Gulf Coast next weekend and a ten-day trip to Martha's Vineyard later this month.

Tantaros wrote: ‘To be clear, what the Obamas do with their money is one thing; what they do with ours is another. Transporting and housing the estimated 70 Secret Service agents who will flank the material girl will cost the taxpayers a pretty penny.’

Mrs Obama arrived by plane at Malaga airport yesterday/on Wednesday morning and was driven in a 14-car convoy to the five star Hotel Villa Padierna, where her entourage has reserved 60 of the 129 rooms.

First of all. I aint reading all that shit. And secondly , who cares. Why don't you start detailing all the tax payer funded trips the Republicans take. Then your criticism might sound a little less disingenuous.

This politically motivated cherry picking of statistics only works on sheep.
JoeBlow said:
I don't know how strongly you feel about this "image they shouldn't be portraying" so I won't direct my comment at you, Redrum. What I will say is that anybody who has anything to say about vacations this president takes apparently has no memory of the bi-monthly ranch visits the last "president" took, say, when deciding to carpet bomb other countries.

The last person to sit in the White House brought so much shame and disgrace on the US (not an easy thing to do considering its anything-but-human rights record) that any comparison to what vacation the president now takes is a joke, an insult and a slap in the face.

Joe, feel free to direct your comment toward me. It’s ok.

Again, the president was not on this vacation. It was his wife and one of their daughters.

Second, who cares how many times bush went to texas? We’re not talking about bush here. We’re talking about michelle and her daughter. The fact that bush took lots of vacations doesn’t justify michelle’s luxurious Spanish vacation. That’s a cop out. Stop pointing to what somebody else did in the past. We’re talking about the present.

Bush was a scumbag, we all know that. Guess what. Obama is just a slicked up version of bush. Why? They both work for the same team. The agenda, the real globalist agenda is still on track. It has never wavered. All they do is change from one president to the next, giving the public the illusion that democracy, hope and change still exist in America.

Meanwhile, everybody wastes their precious time arguing back and forth with each other about republican vs democrat or left vs right, biased newspapers…etc. And that’s exactly what they want us to be doing – wasting time fighting amongst ourselves while they rob the country blind.
AlexfromLA said:

First of all. I aint reading all that shit. And secondly , who cares. Why don't you start detailing all the tax payer funded trips the Republicans take. Then your criticism might sound a little less disingenuous.

This politically motivated cherry picking of statistics only works on sheep.

alex, apologies for the wall of text however read my post above. this is not a republican vs democrat issue. both parties have to go. both parties are corrupt and do not work nor represent the american people.

we need to stop wasting time arguing over this silly nonsense. the real enemies are the global elite who have hijacked our government decades ago in order to further their agenda of a one world government with a one world currency.