AlexfromLA said:lol, I watch that show too
just sayin.
ya why do i even bother.............
AlexfromLA said:lol, I watch that show too
just sayin.
JoeBlow said:I don't know how strongly you feel about this "image they shouldn't be portraying" so I won't direct my comment at you, Redrum. What I will say is that anybody who has anything to say about vacations this president takes apparently has no memory of the bi-monthly ranch visits the last "president" took, say, when deciding to carpet bomb other countries.
The last person to sit in the White House brought so much shame and disgrace on the US (not an easy thing to do considering its anything-but-human rights record) that any comparison to what vacation the president now takes is a joke, an insult and a slap in the face.
LAtoBA said:Every president deserves a vacation, especially a president with two young daughters. If you're going to find a reason to dislike him can you please find something better than that, and from a less biased source at that. It's well known the LA times is a right-leaning newspaper. Thanks.
redrum said:Again, the president was not on this vacation. It was his wife and one of their daughters.
jaredwb said:Ummmm...LA Times is a right-leaning newspaper? Now I know you are smoking something and I want some.
And EVERY newspaper is reporting on the irresponsible spending trip, not just the LA Times. Maybe if you read or watched more than 1 paper/channel you would have noticed.
redrum said:Joe, feel free to direct your comment toward me. It’s ok.
Again, the president was not on this vacation. It was his wife and one of their daughters.
Second, who cares how many times bush went to texas? We’re not talking about bush here. We’re talking about michelle and her daughter. The fact that bush took lots of vacations doesn’t justify michelle’s luxurious Spanish vacation. That’s a cop out. Stop pointing to what somebody else did in the past. We’re talking about the present.
Bush was a scumbag, we all know that. Guess what. Obama is just a slicked up version of bush. Why? They both work for the same team. The agenda, the real globalist agenda is still on track. It has never wavered. All they do is change from one president to the next, giving the public the illusion that democracy, hope and change still exist in America.
Meanwhile, everybody wastes their precious time arguing back and forth with each other about republican vs democrat or left vs right, biased newspapers…etc. And that’s exactly what they want us to be doing – wasting time fighting amongst ourselves while they rob the country blind.
LAtoBA said:c
How long did you have a subscription? It certainly doesn't mirror the ultra left lib agenda of Hollywood. Then again left-leaning, right-leaning are a matter of opinion, no?
Irresponsible spending trip? They're paying for the vacation with their own money. Hate to break it to you but they would still be wealthy even if they didn't take the vacation. Would you rather they "keep it real" with a disingenuous vacation to the southeast side of DC? Give me a break.
Yes Americans are angry, yes americans are struggling. But no need to make this a witch hunt for America's first family. Presidential families who are, gasp, typically wealthy, are going to continue to take "lavish" vacations. By the way hotel rates of $500-2,500 per night really isn't that much. Ever been to Vegas??
FYI, I don't watch or read American news (outside of bloomberg, and wall st journal financials).....thanks for playing.![]()
jaredwb said:They are NOT paying for their own trip!!!!
They are reimbursing the cost of 2 roundtrip first class tickets and a small % of the hotel costs. In total, about 15-20K. Considering the ENTIRE trip cost upwards of 250,000 I would say they aren't paying for SH&T.
I have no problem with a president being wealthy...the problem I have is the rampant Hypocrisy that spews from their mouths. When the NY Times, The Post, and even The Huffington Blog are "questioning" the trip, it's clear there was something very wrong (timing, if nothing else).
And you know what, yeah...they should have traveled somewhere less extravagant.