Mid-20s couple looking for new friends

there are always at least 10 on the Frinks nights,singles and couples.It,s a fab get together for one and all,and it,s on YOUR doorstep and arranged for your convenience.........

IpBuck09...if you want to arrange a get together,start a new thread and await a response
Liam3494 said:
Andrea - Far from it being only couples. The Friday night group is a total mix, yes there are some couples, but many others who are single, studying, working, or simply vacationing here. You would be more than welcome....

excellent then!! when are where are you meeting? I´m new to this forum :)
Andrea (and others) - We are meeting tonight in Breoghan's Bar in San Telmo. The bar has a small entrance on Pasaje San lorenzo, which is a side street off Defensa, between Chile and Independencia - pretty easy to find when you come off Defensa, it's the third door along....

We post every week on the Expat Life forum on this site, with details of where we will be, and as Howard says, we welcome everyone, young and old, and it really is a relaxed way to meet fellow travellers. We are very multi-national, with quite a few Argentines who come along too, although English is the main language, naturally enough coming from an English language site :)

Hope you cna make it tonight, Regards, Liam