Milei faces airline privatization backlash

This is the one I actually support. We're a middle income country drowning in debt and face an economic collapse, why the hell should we be pissing away dollars (not pesos, because the industry is dolarized) on what has become a make work project for the Cámpora?

Turn it in to Aerolíneas Argentinas Co-op with a year's budget, and if they can make it work, awesome, if not, they get sold and the money is transferred to the treasury and employees get a big severance package with the mandatory understanding that any private companies in Argentina operating an airline must hire them for any openings.

People also forget that we have 2 state airlines, AA, and LADE. LADE can run any routes that connect rural communities or medical treatment flights, and they already do in Patagonia.

There is no need for Aerolíneas Argentinas, and the arrogance that they're more important than any other group of workers is insane, but I expect nothing less from the Cámpora
How can it be that Peru, a country of 33 million, has more passengers (approx. 40 million per year) than Argentina, a country of 46 million (approx. 20 million per year), each year with more domestic flight frequencies and does not even have a national airline and have not had one in decades?

The who fear-tactic around "Argentina needs a state funded airline" is pure isolationist ignorance from another century. If Aerolíneas is viable then it should welcome open skies so it can flood Brazilian and other airports in the region to bring in Beef and Malbec hungry tourists at fares as low as its customer service.

The reality is that to get Argentines flying and make airfares far more accessible for more people, privatization and a free market is needed.
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