Milei heads to US as next Argentine leader


Oct 9, 2007

Milei will travel on to Washington later Monday, where he will meet with Juan Gonzalez, the National Security Council senior director for Western Hemisphere affairs ...
He will meet with whom? Is Biden too busy?

He will meet whom? Is Biden too busy?
Did Biden even congratulate him? As for Biden's schedule, it's public record. It's usually very light. Some days nothing is scheduled.
Did Biden even congratulate him? As for Biden's schedule, it's public record. It's usually very light. Some days nothing is scheduled.
Yeah, I saw this and looked it up. Biden made the usual call, and Milei seems to have changed his mind about his first international visit being to Israel. Sounds like hes going to be visiting the IMF, WB, and various treasury officials. Hes bringing Caputo. Probably a wise first move, with Trump talking about coming down here to visit. That could be weird optics if Milei wants to get in good with the Biden people.
Numerous world leaders congratulated him, and wished him well, despite his insulting and antagonistic behaviour before the election. Massa's concession was also both early and generous. I hope he took note of how adults should behave in public.
Milei speaks English ? or AI , video isn't his voice ?


He will meet with whom? Is Biden too busy?
Milei to visit the tomb of Rebe Lubavitch NY

Numerous world leaders congratulated him, and wished him well, despite his insulting and antagonistic behaviour before the election. Massa's concession was also both early and generous. I hope he took note of how adults should behave in public.
It's true. And Massa's subsequent tantrum of saying "It's all yours from tomorrow" and then taking his bat and ball and trying to go on leave for the last three weeks also speaks to his maturity.
It's true. And Massa's subsequent tantrum of saying "It's all yours from tomorrow" and then taking his bat and ball and trying to go on leave for the last three weeks also speaks to his maturity.
Massa doesn’t have a mandate, his program was rejected by the voters. What would you have him do?

I’d say the best he could do was to take a step back and let the ministry officials and the incoming transition team decide what they want to do. It’s hardly his fault there’s no incoming transition team to talk to.
You're absolutely right. There is no other conceivable way to look at it.