Milei makes the cover of TIME Magazine.

Yes, it as an "amusing" own the Libs funny being periodically trotted out by some. Muddies the water.
As opposed to suggesting that Javier is like *checks notes* HITLER, because *cups hand to earpiece* a magazine listed them both on its cover.
True clarity. Be ashamed Rich, for muddling the water.
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Following in the footsteps of Hitler.

Now is your time to leave before Milei starts rounding up millions of people, throwing them in camps and killing them.

Reminds me of when Glen Beck claimed this is what Obama would do. The "FEMA Camps" lmao
Now is your time to leave before Milei starts rounding up millions of people, throwing them in camps and killing them.

Reminds me of when Glen Beck claimed this is what Obama would do. The "FEMA Camps" lmao
Looks like I added more fuel to the fire than I intended. Melei like Hitler in that both on the cover of Time magazine. Certainly no references to any of Hitler's awfulness. Though if you want to interpret it differently that's on you not me.