Milei makes the cover of TIME Magazine.

Looks like I added more fuel to the fire than I intended. Melei like Hitler in that both on the cover of Time magazine. Certainly no references to any of Hitler's awfulness. Though if you want to interpret it differently that's on you not me.

I guess I misinterpreted it, apologies.

Why did you mention Hitler, and not Winston Churchill or many other Presidents who have been on the cover of Time Magazine?
I guess I misinterpreted it, apologies.

Why did you mention Hitler, and not Winston Churchill or many other Presidents who have been on the cover of Time Magazine?
Spare me your sophmoric sarcasm and your "apologies". I guess Milei reminds you of Churchill.
I'm confused and my apology was genuine. I thought you were comparing the two and then you responded that it wasn't in any reference to Hitler's actions.

"both on the cover of Time magazine. Certainly no references to any of Hitler's awfulness"

Now when I asked why you didn't choose someone else like Churchill, you infer that Milei reminds me of Churchill because I used that name as an example of many other presidents that were on the cover. That would mean that you choose Hitler because he reminds you of Milei? But in the previous post you said that's not the case.

Just very confusing...

Anyway have a nice weekend, no hard feelings. Cheers
Here are some others

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Cool montage. I see Perón there three times, which is ironic, since DB Cooper's original post, which started this thread, includes the words, "Can’t imagine any other Argentine president getting that honor". It looks to me as though Argentina's greatest president already did. Three times. In fact, perhaps four, if you look carefully at the background of the picture at top right.
Milei makes the cover of TIME Magazine. This is for the upcoming June 10 issue. I think it’s going to become a collectors item. Can’t imagine any other Argentine president getting that honor.

Being on the cover of Time magazine does not imply respect . The woman who interviewed him for this article did not seem to be impressed by Milei and his policies ,

Aren't you overdoing this a little bit @Reply Guy? I mean, really...

He told me he wasn't comparing the two, and I apologized for the assumption.

Johnny then accused my apology of being sarcastic, and reiterated that Hitler reminded him of Milei, which he had just denied earlier.

Doesn't make a lot of sense, but so be it.