Milei Picks Far-Right Rally Over Spanish PM During Madrid Visit

Pot meet kettle. And has little to do with the subject at hand. Milei is supposed to be a diplomat, not a journalist.
Actually, his speech was directed at (reportedly wide spread corruption throughout Spain's government) the Spanish leader and his wife and their purported involvement in corruption. No doubt Spain's govt is relieved to be able to deflect the media attention from their corruption to Milei. Look at what politicians have done and be glad Milei isn't one.
Actually, his speech was directed at (reportedly wide spread corruption throughout Spain's government) the Spanish leader and his wife and their purported involvement in corruption. No doubt Spain's govt is relieved to be able to deflect the media attention from their corruption to Milei. Look at what politicians have done and be glad Milei isn't one.
Again, a foreign head of state accusing another head of state, in their own country, of corruption, is not how a diplomat does things. Milei is not a talking head anymore, he is a president of a sovereign nation who is in another country who just happens to be the second largest trading partner Argentina has at the moment. This is not a very bright move.
Pot meet kettle. And has little to do with the subject at hand. Milei is supposed to be a diplomat, not a journalist.
Again, a foreign head of state accusing another head of state, in their own country, of corruption, is not how a diplomat does things. Milei is not a talking head anymore, he is a president of a sovereign nation who is in another country who just happens to be the second largest trading partner Argentina has at the moment. This is not a very bright move.

These are both excellent points. When you are a guest in somebody's country, you don't publicly insult them. A chief of state must be a diplomat, and a chief of state, especially when his/her own nation is in dire economic trouble, must think about trade issues. This was grossly irresponsible behavior on the part of El Presidente, just when Argentina needs all the friends it can muster.
It appears a few readers here forgot what prompted Milei's comment. Read WHY he said it.
It appears a few readers here forgot what prompted Milei's comment. Read WHY he said it.
There are proper diplomatic channels to resolve any perceived slights whether to one's country or a personal slur. Milei was wrong to publicly insult the president of Spain and his wife in Spain. This was childish and unbecoming of the president and puts Milei, Argentina, and any Spanish investor in Argentina in an untenable position.
I hope Spain declares this fool persona non grata. He not only snubbed the Spanish government, including the king, by not doing them the courtesy of a visit, but intervened in an internal Spanish affair (gratuitously insulting the prime minster's wife) while a guest in Spain. All to satisfy, once again, his various personal prejudices.

And clearly, this is yet another personal junket at the cost of the Argentinian state, his former employer's wish "Que Milei se ponga las bolas y dirija al país" is clearly a long way from being realized.

Attacking Spain, which is an important trade and political partner for various Latin American countries, and which is in a position to veto any Spanish or EU project or initiative that benefits Argentina, is truly stupid.
To all the political pundits posting on this topic, you'll find this will blow over and be a non-issue within a week unless some want to keep beating a dead horse. There are far more pressing issues at hand.
To all the political pundits posting on this topic, you'll find this will blow over and be a non-issue within a week unless some want to keep beating a dead horse. There are far more pressing issues at hand.
It's taken you a while to come around to the idea, but I think you'll find that this is what I and others have been saying for the last 4-5 months. There are indeed far more pressing issues at hand. So why this?
To all the political pundits posting on this topic, you'll find this will blow over and be a non-issue within a week unless some want to keep beating a dead horse. There are far more pressing issues at hand.
Yes, I'm sure by next week he'll get into a flame war with another head of state or music personality or actor or a waiter or...