Regarding the posts about the fatal bus crash.
1...The union driver failed to adhere to ESTABLISHED guidelines and is currently incarcerated.
2...Are you aware of the fairly recent (07.30.2016) hot air balloon crash in Texas that killed 16....Texas is a state that resists any kind of regulation, unions are virtually
non-existent, and any type of oversight is lax at best....the pilot had a history of drug & alcohol abuse, was a multi-convicted drunk driver with privileges suspended, had multiple drugs in his system at the time of the tragedy, and had been warned against taking off due to weather conditions...most of the innocents killed were celebrating a significant event or enjoying a gift flight.
At least, unions establish guidelines, and provide training and oversight.......which system would you feel safest in......a system with unions, training and oversight, or the "Texas way" ?....btw.....this is only one example.....don't forget the plant explosions, and other industrial tragedy's that have been attributed to unskilled or contract labor with no experience or training.....just used because they were should also be noted that the "Texas way" allows the owners to avoid any accountability, and the victims are generally left " holding the bag "......would you rather contemplate this on a "union" subway seat in Buenos Aires, or in a hot-air balloon in Texas ?