Morality Police

Don´t see a problem to disagree ¨Paris of the South¨ .. AND .. stay friends.
Puzzling ... if it becomes an Irony ¡

Just an old cliche .. for God sakes .. no sniping.¡ Please stop. :mad:
Don´t see a problem to disagree ¨Paris of the South¨ .. AND .. stay friends.
Puzzling ... if it becomes an Irony ¡

Just an old cliche .. for God sakes .. no sniping.¡ Please stop. :mad:

Morality or Cliches?

*Checks scope, takes aim...*
Morality, Cliche ... or anything else !

Should not be a problem to disagree with any different point of view, AND stay amicable .... no matter what !

for God sakes .. no sniping.¡ Please stop. :mad:

Sniping is never a way to convince me to see what you see !
Khairy expat, lately your posts seem agitated, more disheveled than those in the past... I think the people here actually might be expressing genuine concern. Are you OK?
Pensador, it might help to read the articles before you cite them.

That article specifically refers to psychologists, not psychiatrists. Quoting your article:


Meds are not passed out like M&Ms here as they are in the US. For proof, just check the various posts on this forum by recent arrivals from the US trying to get their meds; it's much more complicated here than there.

ROFLOL Sure did you take your meds today My Rooney!

Ummm...http://www.globalpre...quick-prescribe actually said:

Argentina’s rate of anti-anxiety drug consumption is comparable to that of other industrialized nations, but some Argentine experts say the drugs are overprescribed. They caution that these medications are used as quick fixes in place of more sustainable solutions, such as psychotherapy and lifestyle changes.

More than one-in-five Americans take anti-anxiety meds, according to 2010 data from Medco Health Solutions Inc.

Seriously, read the article before posting.

Also, perhaps a bit of basic comprehension would be useful. 20% of Americans "take" (as in currently take) anti-anxiety meds vs 18% of the Argentine population who have at one time tried anti-anxiety meds.

Draw your own conclusions.
Ummm...http://www.globalpre...quick-prescribe actually said:

Argentina’s rate of anti-anxiety drug consumption is comparable to that of other industrialized nations, but some Argentine experts say the drugs are overprescribed. They caution that these medications are used as quick fixes in place of more sustainable solutions, such as psychotherapy and lifestyle changes.

More than one-in-five Americans take anti-anxiety meds, according to 2010 data from Medco Health Solutions Inc.

Seriously, read the article before posting.

Also, perhaps a bit of basic comprehension would be useful. 20% of Americans "take" (as in currently take) anti-anxiety meds vs 18% of the Argentine population who have at one time tried anti-anxiety meds.

Draw your own conclusions.

From the article

"From 30 to 40 percent of Buenos Aires residents currently use anti-anxiety medication, says Dr. Ronald Gustavo Falcón, a psychiatrist and director of the Emergency Psychiatric Hospital Torcuato de Alvear, a hospital funded by the Buenos Aires city government"

I am refering to BA in particular as I was in my post.

Have you taken your meds to today Magico?
Also note that 30-40% number (margin of error much?) is based on one doctor's personal experience. I.e., a rough estimate by one dude with no statistical methodology. There is no reliable study given in the article on the actual rates.

Seriously Pensador, you're really scraping the bottom of the bucket here.